Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another Undated Prophecy

Addressed to My Children:

This prophecy, though undated appears to be about 25 years old. It is really a love poem from God the Father to us, His Children.
I am calling you to a new beginning.
Listen carefully and learn to yield.
I have so much more to give to you,
As I am preparing you for a greener field.

My sheep have scattered, my body is wounded.
Many broken homes are to be mended.
My little ones are suffering through a lack of love.
This is not what I intended.

With deep compassion I look upon my flock,
For only through Me it can be done.
My world needs love and understanding,
And a return to my beloved Son.

I desire to fill you and give you My Glory,
And a love you all should know.
Fast and Pray, be reconciled with Me,
And soon, my dear ones, you will being to grow.

You seem to be lost in an emptiness.
Why are you withholding still?
Reveal that hidden corner now,
And bow humbly to Your Master's will.

With a tenderest love I am leading you.
I go before you as your guiding light.
Open up your hearts anew,
And do not put My Son aside.

Why be afraid of me Your God?
Make Me the center of your lives.
Because you live partly for your own desires,
You are struggling to survive.

I don't create misunderstandings.
I am Your Master, Creator and Provider.
I desire to give you My Spirit, more of My Gifts;
Open your heart a little wider.

Show respect for your priests and leaders,
For I myself chose them to be
Shepherds to lead and guide my flock,
And to draw you closer to me.

All I am is Love, My Dear Ones.
Where do I stand with you at this very hour?
Allow Me to fill that void in your lives,
And I will show My Healing Power.

Satanic forces try to destroy you,
My Dear Ones, I must speak my pain.
For I Your God suffer with you.
So many hearts are to be renewed again.
The essence of this prophecy is God's call to us to give ourselves to him completely, and to let go of those things that separate us from Him. He lets us know that it is our fear of Him, that is contributing to our failure to completely submit ourselves to Him.

One important stanza asks us to show respect for our priests and leaders, since He himself has chosen them, which is a biblical statement, but also a good reminder to us of what we need to do in obedience to Him.

We expect our priests and bishops to be perfect and when they prove to be human either in their sinfulness or in the evolution of their own charisms over time, rather than immediately upon ordination, we show our dissatisfaction, when in fact we need to pray for them, and great them with the respect that we would want to be treated ourselves.

In the closing stanza, God Himself tells us that the devil (Satan) is trying to destroy us, when so few of us even acknowledge that the devil exists. Having seen the devil on one occasion, I can attest that he exists, and am aware of some of his tricks, though I confess that I fall for them all too often, since I will remain a sinner as long as I am on this earth.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pure In Heart


The first sign that you have finally given your life to Me, will be that you, see things of nature with a new
You will see them through My eyes as was meant to be when I first created man.

A pure heart will now lead you to see as I see the needs of those around you.

Seeing in this way lifts even your mood and as the Holy Spirit fills you with living waters, it pours forth producing the Father’s Will.

It will not be thought out, as I will spontaneously do good works and acts of kindness through you without a second thought.

My desire is for you to be united to Me in prayer, especially of gratitude, because, many are ungrateful for all the gifts and grace given them.

Replenish your strength, with contemplation, completely losing yourself in Me, where we, the Trinity, unite lovingly with the created.

Be at peace always and leave Me to plan everything for your life, never questioning but being mindful of your new eyes and new heart.

I am more aware of things in and around you than you yourself are. 

You will know that it is Me in you as an interior peace.

Satan is exterior and will attack from outside of you.

Refuse to allow any thoughts that are not of the Divine Will to occupy your mind.

Quickly say “Jesus I trust in You”.

Because your God inhabits you as a temple, you do not see evil but only the things of God, as would bring Him praise and glory at all times.

That interior joy shall forever reside in My chosen ones who live not for themselves but for the Righteous One.

Prophecy for the Church and Its Priests

Another Undated Prophecy

This prophecy is probably over 20 years old, a word from Our Heavenly Father, calling us, and particularly his priests, to prayer, fasting, and sacrifice. It is also a call to give our whole hearts to God and not just part of us.

Due to the age of this prophecy, I believe that some of it is visibly coming to pass. I have met many priests since then who are committed to encouraging God's work among his people. I think of Father Sam Johnston, at 82 years old just the other day, retired, but far from slowed down. Also, my thoughts go to Father John Pirt, and Father Francis Jeyaseelan of my own parish of St. George, in London, and Father Michael Prieur of St. Peter's Seminary here in London. I am also reminded of priests I have encountered blogging, Fr. Tim Moyle in Mattawa, Ontario, and Fr. James Farfaglia in Corpus Christi Texas. My wife and I have special places in our hearts for Father Clement Agamba from Tucson Arizona, by way of Ghana, who we met while snow birding there, and look forward to seeing again soon. They join many others I know personally, or have encountered, who are leading Godly lives of prayer and faithful service to God's people.
I voice a message; I speak a word;
My heart is aching for the many priests
Who do not encourage my work among the flock
Or allow my Spirit to be released.

How urgent is the cry of my Bride, the Church.
The time is now to evangelize.
I am calling you to prayer and silence,
Fasting, prayer and sacrifice.

The Body of My Son is broken,
And I your God, do speak my pain.
Listen closely to this message;
Please do not let it go in vain.

Take heed, my dear ones, for indeed it is I;
Gently I extend my healing hand.
It's because of you; you are not listening,
And you do not understand.

Oh, how I long to heal those hurts.
Which are crippling My Church, My Body.
Are you afraid of what will happen
If you give you all to Me?

Why did you build me only the framework,
Or perhaps allow only the surface to heal?
Open your hearts this very night
With those hidden things I long to heal.

Be reconciled with one another,
And be reconciled with Me.
Criticism and pride have scarred my Body;
I long to set my people free.

I wish to give you the gift of listening;
It is I, your God, who is speaking.
Show me that eagerness, your very first love,
For a new era is slowly peaking.

I have so much more to give to you;
Trust My dear ones, trust in Me.
Come tonight before Me;
Give your all to Me.
Our Beloved Father in Heaven wants us all to turn our hearts towards Him and His abiding love for us, but so many of us are afraid, afraid to let go, afraid to not be in control, as though we really are in control. He asks us to drop our delusions, and to make the Truth our aim.

A Pre 2000 Prophecy

From Our Blessed Mother, and from God the Father

In this prophecy, you can hear the voices of our Dear Mother Mary, and also of the Father calling us to repent, be like Jesus.
I look upon this dark lost world
My heart is sad. My Son is weeping.
My little lambs are suffering from a lack of love,
Because many sheep are blinded and still sleeping.

O how I love to bring peace and justice
When will my people come to realize
That they need a personal relationship with Jesus
And be more willing to suffer and to sacrifice.

Give me you old life, your frustration
And I will fill you with Joy, love and peace.
I will give you a new spirit and new heart
My gifts and power I will release.

I desire to delight my people throughout the earth
And I will demonstrate my love and my power.
I will wipe out the works of the evil one.
Satan is keeping you in bondage up until this very hour.

Time is running our my dear ones
Don't look for excuses any more.
Reach out to the lost, the poor, the broken hearted
And I will bless you more and more.

I will wrap you in a jealous love
If you are obedient to this call.
I will make others look great
But you my dear ones I will keep small.

My children, imitate Jesus
Through a life of suffering and deep humility.
Be available, dedicated and spirit filled
Go and lead the lost to me.

Make your commitment and bind together.
I was I your God who called you here.
I am calling you to fasting, prayer and reconciliation
The year 2000 is drawing near.
This call which is over 10 years old is timeless, except for the unnerving line "Time is running out my dear ones."

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Grace of Reconciliation

What a Sacrament

As I was writing a Christmas piece over at Freedom Through Truth, yesterday, I was reminded how the Sacrament of Reconciliation played a big part in a lot of conversion that has been going on in me this past liturgical year.

The year started for me with confession in Tucson Arizona, with Father Clement Agamba, in his office at Our Lady of Fatima Parish, and ended fundamentally with confession in Ridgetown Ontario in the kitchen of Fr. Sam Johnston. Those were not the only times I went to the sacrament, just the two most significant in my mind at the moment.

If it were not for the Eucharist, Confession or the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be my favourite sacrament. In my life, I have had so much grace flow to me from the time spent with faithful priests in this sacrament.

My first recollections of this beautiful sacrament are less auspicious. For some reason, I remember going to confession as a very young boy. I was raised in St. Michael's Parish in London Ontario, and I believe that we made our First Confession then, First Reconciliation now, along with our First Holy Communion in Grade 1 at the time. As I recall it, I took this Confession business seriously, at age 5. The teacher went over a pre-confession review of the ten commandments, which was pretty literal, I think, at least to a young kid. I mean, really how much trouble can a 5 year old get in to. Oh, to be that youngster again, but that's another story.

Well, I kinda latched on to a sin that I could get my head around, and I dutifully went to confession with all my confreres and soeurs. When it was my turn, I was nervous, though excited. It had been built up for us in our preparation. So, when it was my turn, I entered the confessional, and started into the liturgical component of the sacrament. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned". Then I proceeded into a litany of the only sin that I could think of to fit me. I confessed that I had committed adultery. I WAS 5 YEARS OLD.

Father was patient with me, and asked me how I had committed adultery. I told him that I had been mean and bossy with my 2 year old sister, like my parents, so was acting like an adult instead of like a kid. I have no idea how Father stayed seated, and kept a straight face, but then priests who I have confessed to have often said, there is nothing new that they have not heard already. He advised me that my sin was not as egregious as adultery, gave me absolution, and sent me on my way.

Since that shaky start, I have had many opportunities, particularly as an older adult to partake of this beautiful sacrament. The two instances I have written about previously are examples of where the Grace of that sacrament brought profound changes in my attitude and knowledge of God's love for me.

I know particularly, that Father Sam loves to hear confessions, as we discussed that. I think faithful priests find this to be a most efficacious sacrament, and feel blessed themselves to be instruments of God's grace flowing to their brothers and sisters.

I had one other particular instance of a beautiful, though brief Confession that I have carried with me for almost 20 years. I went to Dallas with a friend, on a trip that is another marvelous story in itself. This friend has been a Catholic lay evangelist, in his lifetime and has been instrumental in the growth in faith of many people I know.

This one day when we were in Dallas, he had to retrieve a pen that he had left in the office of a mystical priest that we met there the previous day. I had somewhere that I needed to be that was near this priest's chapel and office, and so we went there on our way. As my friend went to retrieve his pen, I was standing outside the door to the chapel. I had had in my prayer time that morning a strong and urgent desire to go to Confession, which I did not voice to my friend.

As I stood outside the chapel door, I became aware that the priest we had met the previous day, was in fact, hearing confessions at the time, but still I was stuck at the door. My friend approached me from behind, and pushing me in the door, said: "Are you going to confession or not?" Without a word of response, I made my way up the aisle to the confessional. There was nobody in line, and I went in and knelt down, and began the liturgical component of my Confession. Then, I confessed the sins of which I was aware.

Suddenly, in an explosion of light, I felt my heart wrenched out of my chest, and hanging in mid air right in front of my face, as Father said 5 words: "What about impatience and irritability?" I was in such a state of shock at what I was seeing, and hearing, that I muttered: "That too."

In moments, I received absolution, and found myself back at the door where my friend waited. He asked me how it went, and I was dumbstruck. I really could not speak anything meaningful. I could not have been gone for more than 2 minutes, and yet it seemed like a lifetime.

Since that day, I have been aware of my impatience and irritability, and have watched the hold it would periodically exert on my life, and as I matured in my faith, I became aware of the pain that it caused to those around me. But, as I thought of my two most significant, recent confessions, I realised that I am not impatient, or irritable any more, at least not often and not much. God has been guiding me on a path of patience, and gentleness. Wow, what revelation that is to me!

When I think of how afraid I have been from time to time to approach this wonderful sacrament, I see that the fear is totally unfounded, and God's grace is unfathomable as to its richness and worth to our salvation.

As I proceed with this blog, I plan to see Father Sam regularly, and have asked if when we meet, he will hear my confession each time. If I got to see him maybe 10 or 20 times in the next year, I could go to confession each time, and receive that same grace each and EVERY time.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

Joshua's Christmas Gift

Here is a Christmas Story from Joshua, with a Christmas miracle for you to ponder for yourselves. This has no direct connection to Father Sam, except for prayer, which I guess is a pretty direct connection, if you get my meaning.
I know exactly how you feel. I awoke this morning at 2:55 a.m. and the first thing that crossed my mind was the thought: "The Christ Child is HERE!"

A kind of elation followed me as I crept down the stairs to avoid waking my sleeping son. I sat before the computer and visited this site for a while, listened to the gorgeous music you've been posting in the run-up to this Very Special Day, and wondering when sleep would overcome me again.

Suddenly, a brilliant (and very motivating) thought crossed my mind. I retrieved the rosary I had recently received, and took myself to bed. As I lay there praying, the most overwhelming sense of calm and warmth enveloped me. The beads began to slip through my finders more quickly as I recited the rosary. A pervasive feeling of velocity - a going forward at incredible speed - overtook me. For a moment, I actually felt afraid. Then I remembered the rosary in my hands, and continued to recite my prayers.

I "suppose" I fell asleep and dreamed, but that is only in hindsight. My experience was quite different. The velocity finally abated, and I found myself actually "chatting" with Jesus Christ right there in my bedroom which had become filled with blinding light. And no, I don't drink or take any mood-altering drugs. This was NOT a hallucination.

I shared with Jesus Christ my deep fears about my son's immediate future. He'll be leaving me in a little more than a week, and will posted to Afghanistan within the month. I told Jesus in no uncertain terms about how important my son was to me and others, how much I love him, and how I would gladly exchange my life for his - if it comes to that.

I thanked Jesus Christ for giving me life, for blessing my life the way He has, and for continuing to remind and show me that He is always at my side.

My wife, my sons, my family, my friends, my talents, my EVERYTHING flows not from me, but from Him! It became so OBVIOUS to me how little I would actually have without Jesus Christ in my life that I wept tears of joy. And Jesus Christ said to me in as clear a voice as I've ever heard: "Joshua, your gift of faith in Me is the only acknowledgement I want from you, and you give it to Me every day. You have prayed so much for your son. I know he is your hero, and I promise you he will return to you full of life and courage and faith, and he will be a hero to many, many others, too. My the blessings of the Father fill your every day, Joshua. Remember Me, and remember this moment."

That was it! The room was dark again, and I found myself sitting upright, feet firmly planted on the bedside mat, a couple of tears trickling down my face.

I got up immediately. I picked up the phone and dialled my wife, who is away visiting family in Scotland. She was laughing as she answered, saying "Hello there, Joshua. I was wondering how long it would take you to call me."

Momentarily flummoxed, I asked how she knew it was me (they don't have "call display" where she is staying). "Because I went to church again this morning and prayed throughout the Mass that i would hear from you the moment I got back. I had just taken off my boots when the phone rang. Who else could it have been? How many people spend a whole Mass praying to hear from you, Joshua? Only me, m'love. Oh, and maybe the kids, but they have their own fish to fry right now. And Jesus always answers my prayers. Always." And we chatted for an hour thereafter.

Funny that Jesus should tell me that my faith in Him is my gift to Him. I always thought my faith in God was the greatest gift I had ever received from Him, followed by the gift of my beloved wife. Now, with His words pinging around inside my skull with astounding clarity, I am falling in love all over again with my wife. This is maybe the millionth time, but who's counting?

Merry Christmas, everybody. Jesus Christ is born and will never leave those who accept Him into their hearts. And those who do/have will confirm to you what I am about to say.

Accepting Christ the Saviour into your heart brings to you an infinite capacity to/for love.

I am a happier man today than I was yesterday, but not because it is Christmas. I am happier today because I've lived another day on earth in the embrace of Jesus Christ.

Could a man possibly ask for more? Could a man possibly receive more? I don't think so.

God indeed IS alive, and His Son Jesus Christ lives in my heart. I ask for nothing more.

Again, Merry Christmas.
I have previously joined my prayers to Joshua for the safety of his son, when he leaves on his mission with the US armed forces. That was good. But, when the Saviour of the World comes to you personally and tells you all will be well, then none of our unrealistic fears can overcome that.

Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

New Life In You


Come all of you to the stable of Bethlehem and kneel in adoration to your humble God, who leads you in the way you should live.
Not everything will be apparent at first, but as you come near to Me, peace invades your surrounding, and your heart.
I am the Almighty God, creator of all things, who has come among you, so vulnerable and weak, needy for food, warmth and your love.
See yourself, as the clay vessel, you are.
Today I bring to you the seed of love, Myself, to be planted in you. I have prepared you for this moment, while patiently waiting for you to seek Me and be satisfied.
Your heart, individually opened to receive new life in Me and now from this clay soil, a new shoot, somehow bursts forth, not like the clay, but a new creation.
You have only to receive what I am doing in your life day by day as you continue in your close walk with Me.
I continue to grow you into a maturity you have never known, accomplished by faithfulness and fidelity.
I will bend you to the ground with circumstances of life around you.
See it as the work of the Holy Spirit, as He grows and matures fruit in you to be scattered all around you in a motion of springing forth.
After this, the plant dies.
It will be a season of dying to self as part of My plan for you,
As this bending is taking place, humility grows as dependency becomes stronger but is not broken in spirit.
I am always aware and in control of all that is going on in the life of My child.
As the process begins again, you retum to Me with an ever increasing eagemess to serve and to obey, all I have commanded you.
I Will bless you very much with grace to further you in your walk to holiness, stay close, to the Blessed Mother and call on Her often in and throughout your day.
Today, may the joy and peace of new life which is bursting forth in you, cause those around you to give praise to their God, for LOVE is encompassing the world.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

So What About The Atheists?


This story did not come from Father Sam, but could well have.
In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days.

He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.

The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying: "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays.."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant."

The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned.."

You gotta love a Judge who knows his scripture!

H/t Joshua

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Story From Father Sam

You Ain't Dead Till You Dead

I am recalling from memory this story, so its veracity and accuracy need to be confirmed with the good Father, but here is how I recall it.

A woman of his acquaintance was very ill for some time, and one day passed away.

She was aware of no longer being in her body, and then of meeting Jesus face to face in a room with two rows of chairs in it. On the one row of chairs were people she knew, and people she did not know. The second row that faced it was empty.

She asked Jesus about this and he told her about the first row. He told her that her sufferings had been used by Him in the redemption of these people.

She then asked him specifically about the second row of empty chairs: "And what about these seats?" He told her that they were the seats of those who were yet to be redeemed and that her sufferings were to be a part of their redemption.

He then told her she had to return to earth. With that she awoke in her sick bed.

This story is reminiscent of Romans 8:17:
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
It is further reminiscent of Romans 8:28:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
So, what Jesus was telling her was that her suffering was Redemptive. Kinda throws a spanner into the whole euthanasia bag of snakes, doesn't it?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Circle of Blessing

It's Bigger Than We Think

When I met with Father Sam last week, he gave me two rosaries before I left that had come from Medjugorge. He told me that they had been blessed by the Blessed Virgin Mary herself during an apparition there.

When Father Sam gave me the rosaries as I was leaving his house, I was at first confused, and showed him why. I had in my pocket the rosary that I use myself daily. It is the rosary that my father was given when he became a member of the Knights of Columbus about 45 years or so ago. Last year I had left it intentionally in our motor home, which is sitting in storage in Tucson AZ, when we are not there. So, when I went there on my own last fall, I found it where I had left it, and started to use it for my morning prayers. On the second morning when I took it out to pray, I noticed that many of the links had turned to gold. Since then, they have all turned. Because of the linkage to my father, I hope that I will never have to give that rosary away, even though Jesus is a little the worse for wear on the crucifix.

By the time that I got home, I wrote a friend and told him about theMedjugorge rosaries. Within 24 hours I had realised that, in fact they were to go to him. I thought they were for him and his wife, but he had a different idea. He has a son in the US military, who will be deployed to Afghanistan soon, and as a good father, he is concerned. He said he planned to give one of them to him for his protection.

I popped them in the mail on Friday afternoon. On Monday, afternoon they arrived at my friend's place. On Monday evening, he picked his son up at the airport, so the rosaries beat his son to the house. The rosary is safely in his son's hands, and his son is safely in the hands of our Dear Blessed Mother.

The Blessings could end there, but knowing God they don't, and I do know of one more connection in the Circle of Blessings.

Before I left for Ridgetown to see Father Sam, I had had contact with another blogger in the US, who writes very beautiful pieces about her love for God, and his love for her and us. In an email communication with her, I had mentioned my little trip down the road to see Father Sam, and she told me she would pray for me, and for my time with Fr. Sam. The connection is that her husband is also in the US military. So, in effect, she was praying for another military man as the circle tightens.

How cool is that!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Tiny Glimpse At Fr. Sam's Faith

Living To Age 90

Recently, with Father Sam Johnston's 82nd birthday looming, one of his natural sisters asked him how long he expected to live. He said he planned to live until age 90.

His sister then asked if God had told him that. Fr. Sam answered: "No, I told Him." As he explained it to me, "This is the most exciting time ever for the Church. Do you think I want to miss it?"

So, Fr. Sam told God what God should do? Actually, I don't think so. Fr. Sam and God are on such good terms, that Fr. Sam told God what he wanted, and he believes that God will honour that wish.

Works for me.

When God Created Fathers

Another from Father Sam's File

This piece that Erma Bombeck wrote many years ago was tucked into the file I was given by Father Sam, and is a heartfelt thought on how God created Fathers.
When the good Lord was creating fathers, He started with a tall frame.

A female angel nearby said, "What kind of father is that? If you're going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high? He won't be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tick a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stopping."

And God smiled and said, "Yes, but if I make him childsize, who would children have to look up to?"

And when God made a father's hands, they were large and sinewy.

The angel shook her head sadly and said, "Large hands are clumsy. They can't manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber bands on ponytails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats."

And God smiled and said, "I know, but they're large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day, yet small enough to cup a child's face."

And then God molded long, slim legs and broad shoulders.

The angel nearly had a heart attack. "Boy, this is the end of the week, all right," she clucked. "Do you realize you just made a father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?"

And God smiled and said, "A mother needs a lap. A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle or hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus."

God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever seen when the angel could contain herself no longer. "That's not fair. Do you honestly think those large boats are going to dig out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?"

And God smiled and said, "They'll work. You'll see. They'll support a small child who wants to ride a horse to Banbury Cross or scare off mice at the summer cabin or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill."

God worked throughout the night, giving the father few words but a firm, authoritive voice and eyes that saw everything but remained calm and tolerant.

Finally, almost as an afterthought, He added tears. Then He turned to the angel and said, "Now, are you satisfied that he can love as much as a mother?"

The angel shutteth up.
Reminds me very much of Father Sam, by the way.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A 1973 Prophecy Through Ann Donkers

August 23, 1973

This prophecy was on the same page as the personal testimony of Ann Donkers published previously.
As a committed Christian, these words are timeless, and are an encouragement to us all to continue in the battle for the hearts and souls of ourselves, our loved ones, and indeed the whole world:
My children, I love you, may all of you know
Where My Spirit is teaching, I want you to go.
My people are searching, look around you and see,
Give them your love and lead them to me.

Finish the task that you have begun,
And I will be with you until it is done.
My Spirit is sweeping across this earth,
To save more lives and bring them to birth.

I pour out my presence and strongly desire,
To fill every heart with the Spirit of fire.
My children, see the miracles, the wonder and sign
Of power that is truly mine.

Give glory and honour and praise unto me
Until we have won my Victory!

One Day at a Time

Something from Father Sam's Personal File

In reviewing the papers that Father Sam gave me the other day, I filed them in various folders to figure out what he had given me. One folder is marked Other for things that he slipped in because they had some significance to him at the time. This is one of those items.

It is a meditation about the meaning of the Serenity Prayer, and well worth a read and some time to ponder.

One Day at a Time

There are two days in every week about which we should note worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these is YESTERDAY with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. YESTERDAY has passed beyond our control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said; YESTERDAY is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.

TOMORROW's sun will rise, with in splendor or behind a mask of clouds - but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROW, for it is as yet unborn.

This leaves only one day - TODAY. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities - YESTERDAY and TOMORROW - that we break down.

It is not the experience of TODAY that drives men mad - it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAY and the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.

Let us therefor live but one day at a time.

"God, grant me the calmness to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ann Donkers Becomes A Prophet

The Woman Who God Spoke Through Often To Father Sam

This is a personal testimony of Ann Donkers, a Dutch immigrant to Canada in about 1953, who committed her life to doing God's will in it. Ann passed away a few years ago, but gave this testimony on October 4, 1973. I found this among Fr. Sam's papers today, and wanted to share it because a number of the prophecies that I plan to reproduce came through this woman. I have tried to reproduce it faithfully, including her use of punctuation, rather than correct it and risk losing any of the content and context.

COME, GO and REST . . . . These three words have been spinning through my head for the last couple of weeks. A few Sundays ago, we went to the Day of Renewal in Detroit. The guest speaker was Father George Kosicki, and as he was telling us about Jesus, how He was over and over again calling us to "Come to Me". He told us a little story about a young girl whose belief was very strong, because of this her name was Faith. She traveled with her two companions the way to Heaven, whose names were Suffering and Sorrow. In carrying her burden so well she became like a beautiful flower, and her name changed to Grace and Glory, and Suffering and Sorrow became for her Peace and Joy. When I sat there listening to this beautiful talk, I pictured myself driving on the road. Adrian (her husband) always says. "You are not so bad on the highway, but come to the busy section of the city, sometimes you don't know whether to take a left or a right turn, and then come to a red light it is hard to wait patiently till it changes to green." I even went through it twice and could have ended up in the hands of the police or even been killed.

Then I thought how good am I in traveling the road to Heaven. I sure heard the first words of Jesus, "Come to Me". The road was smooth and easy. Then I asked, how far did I go? Jesus wants us to go and bring the Good News to others also, share our peace and joy with them and come to the last part - Rest. Then I felt guilty and said, "Jesus, I am very sorry". Jesus is calling us to talk to Him, to listen to Him and to share with Him and I know I had failed there for a long time. It was before the summer holidays that I had given every morning one hour in private prayer. It was the most beautiful part of my day. Jesus speaks to me in so many ways. Sometimes I just sit there silently waiting for what He has to tell me. Believe me the time flies. "Try it, you'll like it."

So ask yourself how good you are in your traveling with Jesus. When he asks us to suffer, do we accept it with patience, and wait on Him till this suffering turns to Joy or do we take a left turn and find an easy way out, or even go through a red light and give in to temptation and sin, and follow Satan to go deeper and deeper into the valley of darkness? The gate to Heaven is very narrow, isn't it? Especially in this day and age. The world has so much to offer, and the road of evil is so much wider and so much easier, but do all these pleasures that the world has, give you satisfaction? To me, they didn't. Let me tell you my friends how well I have known these two companions - Suffering and Sorrow and without Jesus it would have been impossible for me to be humble and travel the road to Salvation.

About 20 years ago, I left my country to marry the man with whom I was deeply in love. It was not an easy step to take, leaving behind my father, mother, brother and sisters and many more who were very dear to me.

Soon after we were married, we rented a farm house which belonged to Adrian's dad "way out" in the country. For me coming from a town surrounded by friends and neighbours was a big change. I didn't understand one word of English, and with Adrian going to work every morning, I became very lonely. I was used to going to church every morning because it was only a few blocks away. The distance, the land, the customs, everything was so different here and I kept saying over and over again, " O God, why did you place me in this country? I'll never get used to it."

The first 15 years of marriage I was in the hospital 23 times. I remember once the doctors couldn't find what was wrong with me, and one asked, "Do you like it here?" I sure couldn't answer that, but I didn't have to either. I cried for about an hour. After 3 years Adrian decided to let me go on a trip, in the hope that things would change. From St. Thomas, Ontario, I took a train to New York. I often wonder now how I ever made it. Wilma, my oldest daughter was nearly two, and Mary six months. I had a suitcase, a bassinet with Mary and was expecting at the time, so not feeling too hot either. Arriving in New York at the train station, I had to put the bassinet and the suitcase down to get my passport checked. As I was standing there somebody came up to me and scared me to death. She said, "My dear lady, you better watch that cute baby of yours. Did you ever hear about kidnapping at this station?" So here I was - the one hand, the suitcase - the other hand, the bassinet and then still a two year old to look after. I don't think Christianity was known in New York at that time, at least nobody lent me a hand.

Was I ever glad to get from the train station by bus to the boat at last. Now I could relax - but not very long - after two days on the boat, I had a miscarriage. When after 8 days I arrived in Holland I didn't have to give any explanation how I felt about Canada. It was written all over my face. Two weeks later I was admitted to the hospital again (in Holland), this time I had to have my appendix out. My plan was to stay about 6 weeks, but with all my troubles, I felt very weak and my mother talked me in to staying for three months to get my strength back. Poor Adrian. Everybody out here was spreading the talk about Adrian and Ann having a divorce, but we didn't worry about that because we loved each other very much.

After I came back here, it sure wasn't much better, I even think it became worse. In 1963 I went again, my mother was dying of cancer, this time I stayed for a month. In the winter of 1970, Adrian said to me, "We are going to spend Christmas Holidays in Holland." We had hired a cousin of mine to stay with the children and look after the farm. We had an enjoyable holiday and I sure didn't want to come back here. That winter I couldn't do anything, all I did was stare out the window and then I said, " O God, why me?"

Don't think that now that we never had our happy days, of course we did, but the country I just couldn't get used to it. It got so bad that at the end of January, Adrian decided to sell everything and go back to Holland. Then he called in a priest. He talked for a long time, without success. I said, "not even ten priests can change my mind." We had never mentioned one word about this to the children. It must have been about two days later on a Friday night that we had a visit from another priest. He talked for a long time even played a tape, not one word was said about me not liking this country but that night I sure felt peace full.

About two weeks later we started the Charismatic Renewal. Since then my life has completely changed. "Lord, where have you been all these years?" Then I heard His voice, "Share your sufferings with me, my yoke is light and my burden is easy." Of course, it was me. I was so blind, now I enjoy life. I enjoy people, especially God's people. Now I even enjoy living in this country because I know that God wants me here. After I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I became like a new person. God's Spirit is sure working in me now, and I am very grateful for everything He has given me. I saw before me all day long the death of Jesus on the cross and this helped me to overcome many of my weaknesses.

But God is not finished with me yet. I know that I fail Him many times, but I also know that He loves me very much, that same God that has been so busy changing my life is willing to change yours. Give Him a chance. Whatever your problem, share it with Him. He is our Father and loves us all. PRAISE THE LORD !!

Praise to you Lord, for your death on the cross for me,
I love you Lord for believing in what I cannot see.
And seal my lips on my aches and pains.
Show me the way you want me to live,
O Lord, I am willing my life completely to give.
Please Lord, send me your spirit from above,
To fill me with wisdom, knowledge and love,
Let me bring light to a lonely heart.
Teach me, dear Lord, to do my part.
Cleanse and wash my mortal soul,
Until I have reached the eternal goal.
Thank you Lord for finding me here,
I hope in the end I have nothing to fear.
We are all sinners, Lord, but please let me bloom,
To make me worthy of your heavenly room.
Prune me, change me, let me shine,
So I be yours, and you be mine.
Turn all my doubts, Lord into Faith,
And make my road to heaven straight.
Your Peace and Joy, you freely share,
Taught me how much you really care.
I am waiting patiently for your plan,
Make it clear Lord, let me understand.
The voice I hear, the sign I see,
Gives me this message, "Come and Follow Me."