Thursday, February 27, 2020


2020-02-27                                   I HEAR THE CRY OF MY PEOPLE                                INRI

Fear immobilizes My people, it is Satan’s ploy, his best strategy, in order that they would be afraid to speak out, to stand up, to voice the Truth, and so do nothing in the wake of the impelling force of evil.

The wrath of Heaven cries out against the abominations being perpetrated against My creation, abortion, homosexuality, prostitution, violence, rage, and so many other sins.

Your leaders have made it a law and have called what is evil good and what is good evil, outrageous is the modernism that invades the Church and its people.

But I have been patient with the world, I hear the cries of the righteous ones, but they are few among so many who accept what is being presented to them, as charitable acceptance of every ones views and opinions, relatively anything that the evil one may suggest is permitted, welcomed in fact.

If you must question, if you have sinned, the answer is most likely yes, excuses come easily to mind, you try to diminish the fault, confess and receive My grace to turn away, do not put it off any longer.

You may not have realized your enslavement to sin, slowly it has taken over you, and replaced your love for Me, with a love for the world.

The remedy, to regain the love lost, is repentance and forgiveness so that you may return to the Truth, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will gain you the grace and strength necessary for renewal.

Your hearts have grown lukewarm, if not cold, have recourse to say the Rosary within your families and within the Church family.

I am interceding for you before My Father in Heaven, He is hearing your prayers also, do not be overcome by the faithlessness that you see all around you, but pray for them, pray for the world.

At this very time now you are in the midst of chastisements, which you may not be aware, for the faithful are enduring sorrow within their souls for the countless sins, that are being hurled into the very Face of God.

Because of your love for Me, you are feeling these trials, tortures, sickness and sufferings, take courage and continue in prayer, you are just beginning to see the purification of the earth.

Trust in Me, I tell you even the weakest of My servants will have the power of the Holy Spirit, to heal and alleviate the discomforts of those who will come in need of healing, conversion and guidance.

I am still in control and the Red Dragon who wages war against The Woman Clothed With the Sun, My Blessed Mother Mary, the devil will not prevail, but in defeat will be thrown down to the depths of the netherworld.

This must happen, though the Church appears to be annihilated and destroyed, it will be stronger, purified, sanctified, I will be their God and they will be My people.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


2020-02-20                                                   I AM THE WAY                                                   INRI

I am the Way to the Father, I am the Way to eternal life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.

Salvation cannot be achieved through good works, by righteous living, by following perfectly the Commandments, only by trusting and following Me by Faith, it cannot be earned it is a Gift.

Your Faith in Me ultimately will put you on the right path to Salvation that is to eternal life.

It is not important that you know the time nor date of My Second Coming, only that you be prepared at any moment to meet Meyour death will be a new beginning for life eternal.

When you breathe your last on earth, this may be your final opportunity for repentance, after which will be the destination of Heaven, Hell or Purgatory, one must not wait and presume that this grace will be granted to you as you procrastinate.

Yes, I do require, indeed command that you do good works, you will only know after death the true benefit that it affords you in regards to your Heavenly reward.

Performed out of love for Me, you are not saved by the good that you do, but in serving your brothers and sisters, you are acting with the graces which I Myself am empowering you to act in the most loving ways.

For by My Sacrifice on the Cross, I have opened for you the Doors of Heaven, and gained Salvation for all who believe in Me, for I have other sheep that are not of this fold.

As the Good Shepherd, I desire that your love be true and sincere, what kind of relationship would lovers have if they did not communicate regularly with each other, telling their deepest thoughts and concerns to the other.

Everything has been prepared for you to achieve your greatest victory on earth, while you still have today, what you do matters, what you say matters, I care for your loved ones even more that you do.

All that is in the world entices you to withdraw your attention from Me, it will seem to you as if you were swimming upstream, against the current, when you turn away from media and come to Me in prayer instead of entertainment, you will not be disappointed.

Come and drink to your hearts content, all who are thirsty, come to the fountain of Living Water, forgetting yourself, placing every worry at My Feet, enjoy your Beloved, Who comes to meet you.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, is it not clear to you yet, that nothing, absolutely nothing else in this world really matters, have Faith in Me, I will bring you home, seek Me and I will make sure that you find Me.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


2020-02-13                           FOR I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD                             INRI

I am giving you a new heart and a new spirit, that I alone may be enthroned there, for only as you recognize My Love for you, will you be able to love others.

My Word will become alive in you as it has never been before, thus you will keep My Statutes and Ordinances which will not be a burden but a joy.

I am a jealous God, Who will not have your hearts divided, no longer will you give priority to anyone else nor to anything else that I have created for your use and not for you to idolize.

You were made for Me, and it is vital that your love be pure and that your spirit be ever contrite.

May My Cross of your salvation be ever in your sight, meditating day and night upon what it cost Me for love of you, you shall not forget also the Father’s sorrow in this great Sacrifice of Mine.

Because I have given to you a new heart of flesh, you will be given new eyes with which to see your fellowman, receive a new caring and a new sense of what he is needing from Me, I will use you to give as I will provide.

Today make up your mind to let go of all that is weighing on your mind, that is whatever is distracting you from following My mandate in each given moment, allowing Me to answer someone’s prayer.

From the Throne of your hearts, I am now directing you, listen attentively, for I do not shout but whisper to My servant’s ear, I will make you conscious of the needs of others, though you may be oblivious to his present concerns.

As you become more attuned to your Master’s desires, you will find that I bless you abundantly, giving gifts and showering you with signs of affection when you least expect it.

There is a great need among My people, I have a great Love for them, so you must not be afraid when I call on you to assist Me in the answering of their prayers, for I am blessing you for the task at hand.

For My people are broken and wounded by others who have taken advantage of them, defrauded them, used them mercilessly, some are despairing and want to end their lives, they see no future good.

I am giving you a new hunger for My Word, devour it and let the Scriptures comfort and direct you.

Go now and proclaim the Good News to the captives, set prisoners free and give hope to the poor,  I am alive but I must be alive in you first, I am the Light in you, go light the hearts of others in My Name, 
I am empowering you today.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


2020-02-06                           ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN                                 INRI

The Father in His Great Wisdom has a plan for the world, He will not destroy the earth, but will transform what has been contaminated by materialism, love of wealth, and the corruption of His people.

Selfish ambition must give way to humble obedience, and to love of neighbour, pray for those who do not pray, pray for those who desperately seek to love and be loved, pray for the destitute, who have nothing and feel they have no one who cares for them.

Pray for all Priests who serve God in order for them to continue serving you in holiness, they are sometimes overlooked in prayer intentions, it may just surprise you to know how needy they really are.

Pray for those who seem to have everything in life, they may seem happy with all their possessions, good health, money to squander however they please, yet, in the reality of Heaven’s gaze they may have nothing, that is if they do not have Me in their lives.

I am the Bread from Heaven, sent to nourish you, My Heart was pierced to allow you to enter into My Heart of Love, broken by the manifold sins of humanity, but open that you may gain entrance.

With My Love, you will care for others, as you act out of love to the undeserving one, who may have not been so loving to you, he just may be converted by your kindness in the face of mistreatment.

The Holy Spirit is the One Who will unite people, He will be the Flame to ignite hearts everywhere.

The Father is Holy and only holy saints will be admitted into Heaven, strive to become holy through repentance and making reparation for all of God’s created, that all will have an opportunity to be saved.

A pilgrim Church of dedicated followers, a remnant of peoples who are fervent in their Faith, who truly believe in God, and whose hearts are immersed in the love of God and for their neighbour, this will be a new beginning for the world.

Those who have been spared from the great chastisements, who have invoked My Blessed MotherMary and Consecrated themselves to Her, they will have been protected and instructed, they will be at peace and find new life with Me.

Do not fear the unknown for if you are truly trying to follow Me, even if mistakes are made, I am faithful to forgive you and all your sins and iniquities, I will protect you and as you surrender completely to Me, I will make sure that you remain with Me.