Thursday, September 30, 2021


 2021-09-30                              DIRECTED BY GOD’S SPIRIT                                           INRI


I would not have you dwell on the afflictions of this present day, rather that you now think on your eternity in the glory of Heaven.


Even though your earthly life will end with death, yet will you live, your bodies which on this earth are perishable, will then be in Heaven imperishable, spiritual beings.


Sin brought death into the world, lawlessness into a life that I had created to be joyful, was turned to toil and suffering for all of mankind.


But I have redeemed all of humanity, the Father so loved the world which He had created, that He sent Me, His only Son, to save each one of you, so that none would be lost.


You suffer now, all will carry a cross of some kind, and most will experience death in this world, but just as I rose from the dead, so will My faithful rise to newness of life.


Entering Heaven you will have a spiritual body, your earthly body, which was buried in weakness, will again be raised no longer in weakness but in power and perfection for all eternity.


Therefore, as I was the first born of all My brothers and sisters and have gone before you, I am now preparing a place for you, My redeemed, to be forever with Me.


Have courage My people, to work out the Salvation that was gained for you, ceaselessly working and praying for those who would otherwise be lost, I am therefore commissioning each of you to do this work on behalf of those in need.


Do not fear anything, for I am always beside you in times of trouble, in every disappointment, and when faced with those who will openly show hate towards you because of your fidelity to Me.


Pray in the Spirit, you will be edified and sanctified, a holy boldness will be evident in your character, when I call on you to act, you will have the courageous ability to bring to completion the work to be done.


By neglecting to invoke the aid of My Holy Spirit, you will grieve Him, for He is Gentle, yet all Powerful, He is the Comforter and will Console those who befriend Him, you will need His assistance in the work that is coming shortly.


He is waiting patiently for the opportunity to assist you and for the benefit of all, He is wanting to work wonders in your lives, all for the safety and security of God’s Kingdom, for your humanity is fragile and is in need of Heaven’s resources.                                        SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

      Fr. Sam Johnston                                                 to Irene Noordhoek    INRI

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 2021-09-23                                            ENDURING PATIENCE                                              INRI 


I have gone before you as a forerunner to the promise made to you by My Father in Heaven.


Enduring patience, this is what Abraham had until the promise that was made to him was fulfilled.


Have I not made you a promise to protect you and to shelter you, why then has fear entered into your hearts, surrender to Me these thoughts that are not from Me, but from the evil one, and I will grant to you the peace that you seek.


I am daily building your faith and trust, which each day is becoming stronger, this is possible only if you will of your own accord, surrender yourself to Me.


I desire that you will become teachers and leaders of the faith that you hold so dearly, do not think that this could not be you, for I will be empowering My remnant people to be such, for though your numbers may be few, you will be most effective in this cause.


This fact should not worry you nor become burdensome, for My Holy Spirit will be speaking through you as needed, all I am asking of you is that you cooperate in serving Me when the crucial time comes.


Provisions are currently being made, for the task which will be your privilege to assist Me in saving countless brothers and sisters, who today are unconcerned for their future, only after the Illumination of Conscience will this be made clear to all.


Family and strangers will come to you looking for guidance and instruction, keep yourselves in the state of grace, for this will enable you to be in communication and will assist you in serving your God.


Know for certain that you are not here by chance at this time in history, as I count even the hairs of your head, you are completely known to Me, that is your thoughts, emotions, hurts and desires.


It may seem mysterious to you now, how this will all unfold in a victorious, even glorious outcome, but be of good faith, My Love for you is unfailing, and we will see this through until all is fulfilled.


I pray that even now, when friends and familiar pleasures are withdrawn from you, that the joy and peace that is yours, should be felt as warm as a parent’s hug for his loving child, this is how I am holding you this minute in My Arms.


Know that you are loved beyond human and earthly comprehension, only believe that the God Who created you, will not forsake you, especially in these troubled times which you are patiently enduring.                              SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

      Fr. Sam Johnston                                         to Irene Noordhoek       INRI


Thursday, September 16, 2021


 2021-09-16                           THE RESURRECTED LIFE NEEDED TODAY                     INRI


Many are crying out to Me in these days of unrest and insecurity, they wonder when I will return,

and will it be soon, soon enough to save them from the coming disasters that seem to await them.


But I say to you all who are Mine, as I had to undergo sufferings and persecutions, so must you who follow Me, I am with you through it all, granting you all the graces to render you victorious in the end.


You must exhibit great courage before your present persecutors, and in order to give good example to the weaker ones among you, show calm fortitude.


Do you feel within yourselves that you may have lost the Holy Spirit’s gifts of peace and joy, I say that you have not lost what is yours, your inner strength is there and you will be provided with what you will need at the appropriate timing.


Continue to trust in My Power and Love for each of you, even in your darkest moments, I will release you from the snare of the Fowler, the devil, who is behind all of this as he displays his arrogance.


Those who would trap you with lying words will not prevail, do you have confidence in My Word, for these Words are for you, read the comforting Words of Scripture in order to regain peace in your heart.


Even if you should doubt My Words, saving grace is available for your asking, begin now even in your doubt to thank Me, for this is what I require of you here in the midst of trials and restrictions.


The thing that will make you sick in mind and body, is fear, overwhelming fear that paralyzes you, so that you are unable to function well as a citizen of Heaven while you are still here on the earth. 


The evil one’s agenda for you is just this, that you should be incapacitated beyond the ability to help others needing your help, pray consistently and study the lives of the Saints, thereby gaining the confidence and reigniting once again, the needed love for the service of your Lord.


Thank Me for each and every suffering, even the small ones, so that united to the sufferings of My Passion and Death, you may gain for yourselves the power of the resurrected life, which I have gained for you.


This resurrected life is very much needed today, rise above the calamity all around you which is ever gaining momentum, realize that you are heirs of Heaven, sons and daughters of God.


The message that I am bringing to you today is one of encouragement, for there is nothing that you will be made to endure, that will be without My consent, and is therefore beneficial for your well being,                                        SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR 

      Fr. Sam Johnston                                                   to Irene Noordhoek         INRI

Thursday, September 9, 2021


2021-09-09                               MANY DIE FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE                               INRI


Woe to those who are trying to destroy God’s temple, for He will destroy that person.


You are My temple in whom dwells My Spirit, be ever mindful, that your body is not your own, and in this respect, protect it as such against all attacks of the evil one.


Do not be of the mind-set that you can do as you please with the body that was formed by God, you hold a treasure within, and so must guard your senses, being ready to serve your Lord always.


Evil forces are infiltrating your world, wanting to kill and destroy the unsuspecting souls of those who are faithful, yet who have been caught off guard or have been coerced into trusting agents that are not worthy of their trust.


The propaganda of deceptions continues to sway many people who are weak or confused regarding just who their Saviour is ultimately, the majority have given their loyalty to their political and health leaders and are believing that they have their best interests at heart.


Nothing can be further from the Truth, you are My people, who were created and given free will, not to be made captives of the devil and his minions.


The evil one wants to control everything and lead you away from all that would give you the freedom to depend on God alone, he is placing in the seats of power all his accomplices to govern you.


Those of you who are trusting Me have peace in your hearts, I have promised to take care of you and I will do just that, be patient as the Father’s plan unfolds.


I have laid the foundation for your faith and by the grace which was given to you, you have taught your children, and I am looking after them as well in these troubled timesdo not at this time be discouraged, in an instant I can turn things around.


You have been steadfast in faith and have not accepted false doctrines, you may be pressured soon, to abandon your faith, as they present convincing arguments regarding a ONE WORLD ORDER.


Stand your ground, firm in your beliefs, for your eternity awaits you, you who are faithful to the Truth, and I will shelter you and protect you as I have promised to do so, do not fear anything.


My loved ones, you do not know, what arguments to use in defense of your faith, study your Bible Scriptures in order to be equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit, because many die for lack of knowledge.
                                SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

       Fr. Sam Johnston                                          to Irene Noordhoek   INRI


Thursday, September 2, 2021


 2021-09-02                               IMMERSE YOURSELF IN ME                                           INRI


Immerse yourselves in Me, for I am as a sea of sorrows, removing sin, cleansing all from impurities in your lives, in Gethsemane all sin, past present and future were laid upon Me and brought to the Cross.


I am at the same time a sea of Love, after you have been cleansed and freed from sin, you will experience My comfort and peace, come to Me all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.


Then having been refreshed, you will be drawn and desire to serve Me, I will assign to individuals the service for which they have already been prepared, for I foresaw this time in your life and have made provision for everything accordingly.


There shall be no jealousy among you, as to the greater gifts, for all the gifts are equal and valued by God, no one will be more honoured than another, for all gifts compliment each other in their tasks.


In order that the Body of Christ function perfectly, it is important and necessary for the cooperation of all, who are called to perform unselfishly, their assigned service for those whose names are written in the book of life.


Miracles are necessary for faith, and I am still performing them, and will by the Holy Spirit, heal through you, be open to allowing Me to use you, in small and great healings, physical and spiritual, as they will be needed after the illumination of conscience, in the work of baptizing and repentance.


Immerse yourselves in Me, be cleansed of your unbelief and your lukewarmness, for I desire that MY

LIVING WATERS flow now from you, who will be My Power on earth to bring about conversions in the faith.


You may not at this time sense the urgency of this message, or that I am speaking to you directly, but I assure you the time is now, for you to make yourselves available to Me, remaining in the state of grace.


I see among the many peoples, a hunger in their souls for God, when I call for someone to answer their need, will I find the ones I desire to send to them or will a great number of them die in their unbelief?


Indeed the time has come for a decision to be made on your part, choose either to serve God or the world, but you cannot continue to straddle the fence, with a foot on the side that is more favorable today, tomorrow the other.


I will encourage you in this, you were made for this, and especially chosen for just this time in history, don’t be afraid, I am with you all the way, believe Me, this will be the most exciting times of your life.                                               SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

   Fr. Sam Johnston                                                             to Irene Noordhoek   INRI