Prophecy from God the Father on Opening Celebration of Marian Days
I have showered you with My Gifts, My Spirit.
Cling to Me and do not fear.
At times I may seem far away,
But know that I am with you here.
Near peaceful waters I will lead you.
I watch My Flock; I watch and see.
A world that is busy with so many things
And has so little time for Me.
Even you own are slowly weakening;
Lack of support is what they face.
But know when you are most alone
I will embrace you with my gentle embrace.
I am calling you to evangelize:
To many this is something new.
Be compassionate and understanding with my lost ones
Just as I have been with you.
Can you refuse, withhold from me?
Walk in my footsteps, and obey My Word.
Many are ready, willing, and waiting
To receive My Spirit and this new birth.
And I, Your God, will work my wonders
To those who are nothing on their own.
Christ, My Son, is gathering His People,
And His Signs are clearly shown.
Go forth, My Dear Ones, in My Love and Compassion,
And fix you eyes completely on Me.
I will reawaken My Gifts within you,
But you must give yourselves unconditionally.
Your brothers are wandering aimlessly
While Satan is trying to deceive,
To destroy their souls, their hearts, their minds,
Even their faith and their belief.
Call forth, My Dear Ones, in My Love;
Hold on, My Dear Ones, hold on to Me.
I am urging you to go to Mary:
She is calling you to fast, pray and say the Rosary.
I am not a God of conflict or confusion;
But why, My Dear Ones, do you remain so distant?
I am at work in and around you;
Step out in faith and be more persistent.
Have courage, confidence in these painful hours,
As you, My Dear Ones painfully wait.
Stay awake, keep watch for that burning fire
Starting to move in Ninety Eight.
My apologies for the last few months not getting more of these prophecies up for readers. It has been a busy and challenging time, but these words, the first I have reviewed in a while are a powerful message, even though over 12 years ago.
Our Father's concern for all of His Children is apparent, and this is a good reminder to us to bring them the Good News. St. Francis encouraged believers to preach the Good News, and if necessary to use words. Our lives of faith are the best witness to the Gospel on earth.