Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Cradle and the Cross


Many who were in the crowds that came to hear Me speak, were unaware of the fact that it was I who drew them there for their healing.

They saw the lame walk and the deaf hear, those who had evil spirits set free.

These signs were necessary for them and for you to recognize what you would otherwise not perceive
which is My presence, their Savior and Messiah.

I am calling you to My office, as you would come to a lawyer to solve your troubles.

But My office chair and desk are the cross.

Place in My hands your hurts and all that causes you grief and I nail them to the cross.

In doing so, you now see the part you may have played in the problems and trouble you presently experience which otherwise would remain to you hidden, your blindness healed.

This is a time of joy but it eludes you as you cannot grasp what it is that causes your peace to be dissipated.

My cradle yet lays there waiting in time for the day, but the cross is ever looming in the distance, come near, come now.

Those who are self-righteous and do not see what is so prevalent to others, will be made to see with clarity what had obscured their judgement through sin.

I desire that you be set free for there is much that must be accomplished before My return.

The stress and anxiety that others are experiencing in the world, are not what you are to be a part of.

I intend that you intercede for them for they are blind going in search of happiness through material possessions leaving gratitude to Me far from their agenda.

To you have I revealed the treasure of the secret of happiness and you have found Me.

How often is the cross forgotten at this time with the dazzling glitter everywhere and with many in the gutters of life, drowning without being aware of the peril they are in.

Intercede for the poor, those who are without hope, so much has satan burdened this people that peace cannot be found even as they overindulge in food and drink, drugs to ease their pain.

Those in suffering and sickness are often the ones closest to Me, they never leave Me, their thoughts constantly with their loved ones who also bring them to Me.

Come and receive the gifts I have for you, they are just for you and the world will not receive them from My hand for they do not understand our relationship, you and I.

You are My chosen ones who have come to the well to receive nourishment, the grace to overcome, the courage to carry on, and the compassion to forgive injustice.

Receive the Peace, blessed Peace for you and all that I will cause to come to you in the next few moments and the days and months to come.