You have prayed that I might heal you and in this serve
in a greater capacity. I assure you that your
prayers have been heard and are being answered.
Picture a rose bud; you long to see it in full bloom but
you must wait for its proper time, its petals to
slowly open.
And so it is with the gift of your healing, it must not
be rushed, all in due time.
As you faithfully wait, consider also the wall that has
grown around your heart, slowly it has been
allowed to grow and develop.
Brick by brick keeping you at a safe distance from people
and circumstances you have considered to be something to fear or not to deal with.
You have asked Me to search your heart, not even being
aware that this wall existed.
I have allowed you to see this barrier for I have longed
to remove it and now I have.
Your tears are duly noted, not one tear falls without My
knowledge and they are all collected by your
especially chosen Angel.
I have removed it not brick by brick but I have dissolved
it instantly by My Precious Blood poured out at the Holy Eucharist Celebration of the Mass which heals
more than you can ever imagine.
Your heart now is united with Mine, opened, freed,
emptied and ready for infilling.
You are seeking to go full throttle into service but know
in the peace I am giving you, that it is My work to prepare the ones to whom I will commission you to
Be patient with yourself, trusting that I your physician
and lover of your heart have your future planned for the greatest reward.
You now are empowered to serve Me in a more excellent and
fruitful way.
I bless all your hearts with My Overflowing Love, no
longer hidden out of fear of failure but with great courage and confidence.