Wednesday, August 28, 2013



You will be judged on the way you have used your gifts given for your use here on earth.

Whether you have lived for self or others, but the greatest gift that I have given to you is My very self in the Eucharist.

As you receive Me, greater and greater is My love increased in you as you allow its grace to work in you.

It has always been My Will that you succeed in holiness of life and that your life be lived in Me.

Many are traveling a road that is solely self-centered and feel that they are living a good life, not wishing evil to anyone, or doing their neighbour any harm.

But they have not allowed My love to penetrate their hearts that I may use them, they live a life that is without My blessings.

And so the works they do are for themselves and merit them nothing in the life hereafter for all eternity.

When you give your life to Me, I consecrate it with every blessing, you allow Me to direct your comings and goings and so you serve your brothers and sisters, thus all of Heaven rejoices with you and for you.

Living within Me, you have a sense of completeness and are wholly peaceful within yourself, even when others are not respecting you or being kind, you do not loose your peace.

The things that you work at and try to accomplish need not have total success stamped on them, but I bless your efforts, for they are done for My love and the love of others.

These are the end times, and soon all will receive the anointing that will reveal to them whether they have lived for themselves or for the good of others, that is My mandate of love.

I have promised Wisdom to you but you must ask Me, desire to have the Holy Spirit search you and all your ways.

You need Wisdom to know if your life has gained Salvation for you, have you been on the narrow path that is in following as My disciple?

Were you listening for the Holy Spirit’s inspirations and His leading, have you inquired of Him?

Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially the unbelievers who are not conscious of the path to perdition, lay your hands on those I will lead you to and anoint them with the oil of gladness.

For I was the first to be anointed with this Oil of Gladness, in order to be able to accept the cross, and so must you be following Me in dying to self, this is not an option, My dear children, you must die to self and live in Me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


That which is impossible for man is possible with God.

You must strive to be indifferent to all things except to do God’s Will out of love for Him.

But you must always work for the Salvation of your neighbour and never be indifferent to him.

You will do this out of love for Me, and I will be the One who will do this in you, I will sow the seed of desire to love your neighbour, any attempts to accomplish this on your own, I will not bless.

Wait for Me to instruct you, I plant and I reap the fruit in due time, first I patiently wait for you to comply with the mandate of detaching yourself from all things and be wholly Mine.

Some will eagerly try to advance without the anointing that they require, and there will be no fruit, without My blessing the work.

Your peace is thereby destroyed and the Truth, that you tried to convince your neighbour of, is thus set further back.

First surrender your life and all your desires to Me, with the love of your Lord for Him only.

When I see that you have accepted this grace, and that you are wholly Mine, I then will act.

Desire this, pray that you will desire this and I will make it known to you that it was first My Will for you all along, that you be completely Mine.

The Apostles were given a mission, and so it is with each of you, many in this world are in need of the graces that I will give to them through you.

You have not yet conceived in your mind the great works that I have planned but, there is a sequence that must be met, may it all begin with you separating yourself from all that possesses you.

Your love must not be for anything or your desires whether for position or even work done for God.

Do you not see that it is still your doing, you are not to plant the seed without Me, do not go ahead of Me.

Do not hold onto any sadness, disappointments, or feelings of guilt, they only defeat any good that was previously gained and do not allow Me to act in you.

In meditation and prayer, feel the closeness of uniting with your Lord, rest and do not do anything in haste, wait for the anointing.

More will be accomplished when My hand is upon the appointed project, do not worry or become anxious about anything, I am in control but only when you let go of the control and trust Me.


Thursday, August 15, 2013



As in the days of the Tower of Babel, and when the children of Israel, in their impatience built a golden calf to worship, I forgave them.

I will reverse what happened at the Tower of Babel and put into their mouths words that will praise and glorify Me, they will be united in their striving and work together in peace at My Second Coming.

In the beginning all spoke the same language, but in their pride and arrogance, they were determined to build a tower to the Heavens, independent of their God and Creator.

I scrambled their words and to this very day many languages remain, some dialects are heard no more.

Even today with vast ever emerging discoveries in Science and Technology, they proceed as they did with the Tower of Babel to ignore their God in the race of advancement to their own detriment.

Yes, I scrambled their language as I forgave them, and I have given My faithful believers through the Holy Spirit the gift of Tongues, so they may with perfect praise and gratitude give to Me what is due.

What a melody can be heard in the Heavens as they sing in the Spirit united as it was meant to be from the first.

All of Creation was meant to praise, serve and glorify their God in order for man to save his soul.

With patient vigilance I ask you to stand firm in your Faith, which will be tried by the many who will call out “where is your God”.

For the times of trouble are upon this unbelieving world, that prefers to anesthetize themselves with more and more possessions, medications and alcohol, and filling every moment of their day with no thought toward Me.

Even sleep is withheld from them, for they cannot rest, their world is anything but peaceful, since their god of greed and lust is an ever gnawing taskmaster that is never satisfied.

Pray now My faithful ones whom I rely on to save those who are filled with occupations that are taking them farther and farther from Me.

Meditate upon My Passion, and take My Cross from My shoulders, with Me you will carry the burden of those who refuse, you will comfort your Saviour with your affections and attention for His concerns.

Here in this final hour, many are under the false impression that because I had come to earth and suffered death for their Salvation, that they are automatically whisked into the Kingdom of God, but as I said to Nicodemus, you must all be born again.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


You are seeking to do My Divine Will, but you are frustrated and worried as to what it might be for you, and if you indeed are doing it.

At this moment I want you to receive My Peace, you are in My Will; if by your desire to follow Me you are doing what I have commanded through My Church and the laws of your country.

The person who stands in need before you, is the one who most needs you, that is My Will for you, and the joy that will be in your heart will tell you so as you fulfill that mission, be it large or small.

He may be related or not, even someone unknown to you, you may like or dislike this person, but he is none the less your neighbour in need of your help.

He may be someone who is morally objectionable to you, but in need, again without judging him, you help him as if you are aiding Me.

I always did My Father’s Will while on earth as I do in Heaven, and so must you follow in this way to the holiness and purity of your Soul.

Sometimes I allow you to suffer at the hands of others, who inflict pain and suffering that you do not deserve but again you follow Me in accepting My Will.

You will each have a cross to carry, do not consider that it is punishment for anything that you have done, but you willingly carry it for love of Me.

If I am to be found in you, should I not be able to have the freedom to love through you as I please?

A complete surrender of your will to My Will is what I desire for you, for this is what will accomplish the greatest joy in you even here and now.

It will not matter whether you are doing work that others consider beneath you, or whether you are being honoured for heroic work or anything in between, it will all be My Will.

Meditate upon the life that My Mother lived, hidden in Nazareth, She perfectly did the Father’s Will though She humbly lived and sacrificed Her life for Me.

With each day begin anew, for each day I am waiting to embrace the sinner and grant new graces, those who are not defeated, but who have the courage and strength to trust in Me I will bless abundantly.

Together you and I will walk a path that will lead to a renewed Spirit, into the light of newness of life, grace and power to persevere will enable you to succeed, as we build the Kingdom of God one Soul at a time.