It was I who gave you life and it is I who
will preserve it.
All that surrounds you in the world tells
you that everything is doomed for destruction.
But I tell you I am creating a new Heaven
and a new earth.
is happening in your lives today has been appointed by Me, to perfect you and
make you ready to be an inhabitant of My New Jerusalem.
City of Light, where I will reign as your King will be where you will be with
Me, and My Kingdom will at last be established and last forever.
want you today to let go of those things that do not further you along the path
that leads you to Me, you are wasting precious time seeking things that are of
no value, things that will not last.
Go to the Cradle and see Me, go to the Cross and see Me, reflect on the image
of My Resurrection and you will see
the joy of the fulfillment of My
Father’s Will.
If you will but learn of Me of the obedience I require of you, to do what is
the Father’s Will for you, today you
would experience also this joy for
you enter into My joy.
Then nothing more will vex you, no more
will financial difficulties burden you, for you will know My hand is upon you
Seek now to have a relationship with Me, I
will advise you, comfort and lead you, I want to show My love for you, I want to show you that I know your needs and
My dear Mother, always is with Me and is loving you even greater than your own mother and She will instruct
you with great Wisdom.
Listen to Her messages and She will guide
you more quickly to where you wish to be in holiness and all your endeavours.
Pray for those who are disillusioned
about their future, and those who do not think about Me at all or very little
for their god is of the world.
You must help your brothers and sisters,
you are all family upon this earth, the hope you have is a surety.
If you should have occasion to doubt, come
to Me, I will refresh you with new hope
that will never end.