2014-11-24 INRI
Live not beneath the weight of the cross but live the resurrected life I have prepared for you.
When I Ascended into Heaven, I promised that the Father would send another Advocate, that He would lead you into all Truth and He would remind you of all that I had taught.
Now you must enter into the life of the Spirit with the power given to you from on high.
Even though My people are living with suffering and trials, they need not bear the condemnation that I endured for their sins for they are forgiven, I have opened for them the gates of Heaven.
Bind your minds to Mine and the weight will be lifted, you are thus uniting all suffering, trials and pain with My Passion and death for the Salvation of others.
There are miracles to be had, you are not to decide who is a candidate or who is not, for My Wisdom is beyond your comprehension or understanding.
There are times when suffering brings about their conversion or the conversion of others who will suffer in caring for them, there will be so many variations, too many to mention now, only trust in My love.
Your God is love and the Trinity infinite in It's nature, all knowing and majestic wanting for nothing, and yet desiring love from the created beings of earth.
Do not live as if you are burdened beneath your cross, but become empowered by it, for no one is without a cross to bear who follow Me.
You must live from now on in the joy of the Resurrection, breathing in the breath of the Spirit, and be set free from fear and sadness that may diminish your ability to serve others.
Wherever you are and whatever your circumstance praise Me in the acceptance of My perfect Will, in this way you obtain grace that would otherwise be forfeited, your mission in life hindered.
Do not lose sight of My presence for I possess you and you Me, what greater joy must you therefore seek in order to live unburdened in the fulfillment of the plans of your Creator.
Who can harm you, you know your destination, the way is through Me and fear must flee from you in My presence.
Yes, you are blind because of sin in your life, and I know that most times you do not hear Me, but be assured I am always with you, be at peace, receive My peace and give this same peace to those you meet.
I have called you to a resurrected life that gives joy to those around you as well, the world will benefit from the prayers you will offer, there is a great need to pray for those in leadership both in the Church and in the Country at large.