Wednesday, December 28, 2016


2016-12-28                                                          INRI

How can you love those who hate you, without Me you cannot, but those who hate you and are your enemy I am commanding you to love them all.

All in the world are My creation, made in My Image and all are in My Body, picture them as raindrops that make up an ocean, all are equally loved by Me.

Made up of many varied and distant peoples along the shores, turbulent waters in some areas, rocky coasts in places, sandy shores perhaps yet they are all Mine and you are called to love them.

I am in each one of you, some waters are clear, some murky other waters are full of sea creatures, fruitful waters and some barren.

There are warm friendly waters, others frozen and foreboding, as people go, I am merely making a comparison here of an ocean, that you may see that I love them equally without prejudice.

I desire that none be lost, yet some will be, they are never to reach their preferred destination which I prepared with such loving care.

In My Merciful Love, I have provided for last minute conversions and send My servants with My Word that will pierce to the very heart of each who will hear them.

My Word will bring about a realization of their wayward paths taken, and that they take an account of where they eventually will end up. 

I am patient and gentle, wanting Salvation for all, your prayers for these troubled souls will bring the necessary graces needed for them to see clearly the direction in which they must go.

As a caring Father, I am in each of you to accomplish the love needed in the world that has gone mad with frenzy in trying to find happiness apart from Me.

This happiness cannot happen in the way that they go, the joy they seek through selfishness and to overlook the needs of others, will not awaken the love instilled in each, in order to find their way home.

If any person would sense the loss and uselessness of their present state of life, and give Me even the least sign of seeking God, I would instantly respond and shower that person with overwhelming love.

There is no time to delay, tomorrow may be too late, gaze today at My Cross and see, with the help of My Holy Spirit, exactly what was sacrificed for love of you.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


2016-12-22                                                                              INRI

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you, I see your woundedness, your distress and frustration at times, leading you to react in an adverse manner.

Sometimes lashing out in anger, when your desire had been to love throughout your day, you become dismayed with yourself and feel quite hopeless.

The Truth is that you have been given new eyes to discover the Divine reality that is before you, the faith given you allows you to advance and achieve your goal, wake up children.

Not only through revelation, for this is indeed good, but in knowledge and wisdom as well, you begin to appreciate what is before you, listening with new ears you pay attention to what I am saying to you.

Always you are in My Mind, nothing happens to you that I have not foreseen, even calamities I turn to good for you are Mine.

You are questioning if you have Me within you, I wait for you to realize and desire to be in My presence, but I will never leave you.

I would wish to reveal the immensity of My Love for you but you could not withstand the greatness of all that I would show you.

It suffices to say that you are more precious to Me and that to see you harmed in anyway would cause Me great pain in an Infinitely Loving Heart. 

I am giving you what you can bear at this time, your soul will delight in the joy I give you when you receive Me in the Eucharist, there is no greater gift that I can give you than Myself, totally, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Yet to ascend to a greater conversion, it is in suffering united with Mine, that causes you the most growth in faith and love.

I know how much you want to belong solely to Me, do what is presented to you each day, your duty and also the unexpected occurrences will bring you to where you want to be.

Confidently entrust your everyday to Me knowing that I want you ultimately with Me for all eternity.

Know that I am doing everything in each of your lives, that you may reach your highest good while on earth, it is important that you do your best now, for in eternity this time in the world will be of beneficial significance.

May fear not enter your lives for I am coming soon and all will be made new, nothing will remain the same, do what you were created to do out of love for Me, I am with you always.

Friday, December 16, 2016


2016-12-15                                                              INRI

Recognize your freedom in Me, during your lifetime you have come through many phases.

Rebellious at first, you tried to find your own way without Me, but the confusion and utter bewilderment caused much sadness in your everyday living.

I, out of love for you, arranged circumstances that would enable you to need My help, that you would come in search of Me.

Each of you are unique and are at different stages of life, and temperaments, you could only be lead by a caring and loving infinite God.

Your freedom to choose was of greatest importance to Me, for I wanted a living relationship with you that would be your desire to do so.

I wanted to lift the veil from your eyes and minds, that sin had blinded and caused your hearts also to feel nothing for others and that you would not feel distant from Me.

Sin in your life had stolen your peace, and taken from you all realization of the beauty I had created for all humanity, out of love for each one.

And in order to obtain your freedom, which the evil one had enslaved you, I chose to die and rise again, this action brought you out of the darkness of sin into the light of grace.

Gratitude was now able to be in your hearts and on your lips, and the more you thanked Me for all I had given you, the more you could see to thank Me.

Not one minute of your life has been overlooked, My Father loves you already, but I pray within you as you pray, that He may see Me in you and you in Me.

Your eyes behold, even on earth the beauty in all things created, that previously had been hidden and thus overlooked, love changes everything and grace increases hope for eternity in Heaven.

Should your life take a turn and you find yourself persecuted and suffering, do not fear, I am with you.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life whoever comes to Me will never die, I have set you free, go and proclaim your liberty to a world that is hungry for freedom in knowing the Truth.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


2016-12-07                                                                         INRI                           

How very important it is to affirm one another, it is so vital in fact that, My Father affirmed Me at My Baptism in the Jordan River before I began My Ministry in the world.

Again before My Passion, suffering and death, the Father affirmed that I was His Beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased, this was on Mount Tabor in the presence of My Apostles Peter, James and John.

Did the Father consider this revelation to be of great importance to Me and to those to whom it was revealed?

Wounded soldiers are not sent into battle, some of you are not being affirmed, and not knowing your true identity in Me, causes you to be less than I created you to be, unable to fight against evil in your everyday life.

Verily I tell you that each of you are a valued member of My Body, I feed you with My Eucharist that transforms you to become part of Me, and to not be defeated by the enemy’s words.

Surely you have heard his words, you may even have thought them to be your own thoughts, he is the one who accuses My people, he rehashes old arguments that make you feel ashamed, even old grievances are brought to mind that cause you guilt and sadness.

Do you not recognize that this is not what I desire for you, for I would have you focus your mind and thoughts on the good, which I will form in you, even minor faults will disappear from your life.

I Myself want to unite with you in a unique intimate communion of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Affirming you with the love that My Father showered down from Heaven upon Me, as I received the Holy Spirit, His strength and courage bestowed not only on Me, but also on you for you are Mine.

Not one of you was created inferior, and knowing that you are loved beyond measure, should make you want to shout it from the rooftops.

But you doubt that I could love you in this way, others perhaps because of their gifts and abilities, but not yourself, for all that you’ve endured during your life has caused you to be unsure of My Love for you.

My gentle and sensitive child, nothing could be further from the Truth, you are precious to Me and I am waiting for your surrender, in order that I may show you that you are already on the narrow road that leads to eternity.

I am holding your hand with each step that you take, show Me that you trust in the joy and peace that is Mine, which I want to give to you now and forever.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


2016-12-01                                                               INRI

Yes, there is a present darkness that is prevalent in the world today, but My people are seeing the Light that will soon overcome that present day darkness.

Are the people in this present age holier than of old, so few are in the line for the Sacramental Confession, do Sacrilegious Communions contribute greatly to the present darkness in the world today?

My Faithful enjoy peace in their hearts that reveal My Image, they know that they are still a work in progress but with faith, their lives have a joy that no one or no trial may diminish.

If you should carry the cross of illness or persecution, loss of ability to care for yourself and or are dying, you receive the grace of strength and an increase of peace to proceed in your life with joy.

This is a time for you to allow Me to come to you and comfort you, console and enable you to rest in My Arms, tranquil, trusting in My Love to either bring you home, heal you or whatever the need that it be resolved.

Did I not leave you My Peace when I Ascended into Heaven, returning to My Father, receive now the assurance of the care that is Divine.

You receive the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist, are you still unaware of the power and healing within you, trust and not fear allows Me to operate in your life in a way that will benefit your fellowman.

Why do you fear anything, do you question within yourself My Love, do not forget Me, Who am so close and wanting you to ask for all that you need. 

I carry you in My Heart and I know all whose names are written in the Book of Life, do I not guard and protect you as a mother her precious child, I gave My very Life for you.

The way you will achieve and keep your peace is by helping others in any way that is before you, try to remember that I am constantly working in your life for your greater good.

If you would fast or sacrifice for someone else, they would be able to see Me in your light, which is ultimately My Light working in you.

I would be saving many souls through your selfless efforts, and this fact enables you to know Me in a more profound way, you come to realize maybe for the very first time My Selfless act in saving you.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


2016-11-24                                                      INRI

Pride is deceitful and skillfully hides its true identity, even as one seeks his own will to be good.

Self-conceit pits you as opposed to what others are doing, your own personal value esteemed.

One can become so intent on striving to progress in holiness in order to get it right, that you miss what it means to be poor in spirit, the welfare and holiness of others neglected, you just can’t do everything!

Seeing another succeed where you have been struggling, may lead to jealousy or envy, your peace may at this point be lost in the frustration, as you do not recognize yet the sin, dismayed you become sad.

Why has your peace been lost when you are trying so hard to accomplish your goals, to do all that God has commanded you to do in this life?

Little one, I want you to surrender to Me everything, I wish to relieve you of your burden, never has it been My desire that you carry and live under the weight of the world, as you are feeling today.

You are humanly weak and I want to be the One Who you depend on in all things, your faith must be in Me alone, not yourself, for in My Will all can be successfully accomplished.

You will have peace once again, and in humility you will not fear failure, nor the success of others.

Even as you view what you experience as a failed attempt, I may use it as potentially your greatest avenue for growth.

Open your heart to Me and I will pour forth Divine Love, enabling you to be happy even in this life.

Anytime that one gives glory to Me, Heaven rejoices and all the inhabitants of earth reap graces that flow from My abode, alternatively sin in the world also affects all in a negative fashion.

When you hear of sin or see it in action, pray for that individual or group, be poor in spirit leaving the outcome ultimately to the One Who sees all, is Wise above all Wisdom and all Powerful.

Acknowledge your helplessness, that you own nothing and that everything is a gift.

Await in faith My return in Glory, when I will once again right this world that has been turned upside down.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


2016-11-17                                                                  INRI

My Words to you are Spirit and life, as you allow them entrance into your heart, I will heal past and present wounds.

My dearest Mother Mary, Star of the Sea, She above all other methods of coming to Me, is the best and shortest and surest way to progress in the life of holiness.

As the sea brings each wave to the shore, so it will be with the souls who will entrust themselves to Her care, abandoning themselves to their Mother.

It will be as if I am waiting for each to be transported to the shore, the wave once it has reached the shore, is no more, no, each soul is consumed in Me and I in them.

These souls are never disappointed in giving their allegiance to Her, wave after wave, souls trusting in the One I also trusted in My earthly life.

I am the refuge in every storm, and the more confidence one has in Me to deliver them, the more I respond in like.

I will show My Face to those whom I choose, unexpectedly even as a consolation, though never deserved nor predicted for in humility none are deserving.

I may give you a foretaste of the glories yet to come, Eucharistic adoration will serve to bring you closer to Me, oh, if you knew the uniting of Heaven with earth during these moments, it would be beyond anything that you could imagine.

Follow Me in My Passion when you are unjustly criticized, your suffering and pain give to Me in silence, thank Me for this privilege to unite with Me.

You are in the process of growing in the ways of My Kingdom, becoming a citizen of Heaven, offer these opportunities of sacrifice for the souls in Purgatory, you are aiding in their release.

Know that each time that you have sought to come to Me, that it was at My initiative that you have come, you have responded to My Love, I was enticing you.

Do you have a problem, do not seek the advice, that is human recourse, for if I have begun a work in your life, no one will be able to stop it, remain in prayer until My Will is complete, until it is resolved.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


2016-11-09                                                         INRI

Though you may not fully understand nor are you aware of the great battle that is ensuing about you today, you are My new covenant people, who see Me face to face at each Holy Mass you attend prayerfully.

I have begun to build My Kingdom on earth already through you, strive for holiness to a greater capacity each day, as you are receiving many graces with which to do so.

You were chosen by the Holy Trinity, you are Our choice and were created to bear much fruit for the Kingdom, co-operating with sincere hearts, you will achieve much joy and peace on your journey.

The Church is fortified, protected by Archangel Michael and all My faithful Angels, fighting for its ultimate victory until My return in Glory.

I am the Lamb that was slain for love of you, for your Salvation is revealed as you all form part of My army against the forces of evil, each time you surrender your free will, you defeat Satan’s attacks.

You strike him a deadly blow each time you prayerfully recite and meditate the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, your Holy Mother then crushes his head and sends him defeated to the pit.

Be assured that a better world awaits those who repent and the righteous ones who have not worshiped false gods during their lives on earth.

Yet in your imperfections I give you the gift of My constant Love, with each day you may begin anew, do not accept any defeat in your lives, for forgiveness is yours for the asking.

Moreover, those who have formed attachments to this world, can be purified, set free and empowered to live lives that are transformed, given over and lived for Me.

What joy awaits My new covenant people, they draw their strength and peace from Me in the gift of the Holy Eucharist, they go forth rejuvenated and armed for each new battle day by day.

While there is still time until My Father has deemed it time for My return, I call to all in the world that has closed its ears to anything but what will currently satisfy only their base human desires.

They do not think of Me, they do not pause in their day to remember Me, nor do they think anything of their future, or where ultimately their resting place will be.

My Heart can be saddened and grieved, but I am most patient and merciful to forgive, maybe as life will be difficult and worrisome to them, maybe they will seek Me, there will one day be no recourse, no second chance once the door is closed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


2016-11-02                          INRI

For the sake of My Glory, I will defend My servants against evil, but will permit suffering, and dowhatever is necessary in order that each one may win their crown.

I your God, am stronger in restoring you to salvation than Satan is in keeping you imprisoned in sin.

Discouragement creeps in as a dark cloud that envelopes the person, but you are to reject this as soon as you become aware, and flee with all your might, for your strength lies not in yourself but in your faith and trust in Me.

This is never from Me, because in reality your faith and hope becomes clouded, your thoughts are other than from My Spirit, come quickly back to the Sacraments and freedom will again be yours.

I am not a vengeful God, My Love never deals in punishment but only in beneficial discipline in order to purify you, which is sometimes painful in its being administered.

My designs on your life will always be for your best outcome in each moment, take for example that an annoying, persistent little fly is bothering you at an inopportune time, thank Me, thank Me that he is not bothering the person next to you, I am ready to bless you.

Do you begin to see, that your time on earth is but a short interval, the waiting room to eternity, weigh the difference and see that you decide now to make the best use of your remaining time.

You may not have another opportunity to go the extra mile, or to put the other persons interests before your own, you do not know the day of your departure.

You have today, it is not enough to have good thoughts about what you could do, for I will help you that is I grant you every grace imaginable for your mission to be a success in the eyes of Heaven.

You will find that as you begin to undertake a good action that it will not be as difficult as you had assumed, of course you may receive some opposition from others who do not hold your values.

Show Me by loving those you can see, that you love Me, I am in the least of your brothers and sisters, even as you do anything because of your love for Me, be certain that it will not be overlooked.

Do not be dissuaded by your imperfections, your life will always be fighting against them, but be assured that your victory looms brightly in your future.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


2016-10-26                                                                              INRI

I am not a distant God as some would think of Me, for to be involved in every aspect of your lives, is uppermost on My agenda.

Do not forget the One Who thinks of you always, not one minute would pass in your life, if I were to forget you, you could not live.

When you love someone, you readily communicate the many events that occur each day, both good and bad.

I await to hear from you, your sometimes peaceful and sometimes frantic thoughts, I am so close to you, but you may be distracted, forgetting that I live in you and you in Me.

Do not hesitate to place in My Hands, all things that are worrisome or things that are giving you some great joy, give Me the opportunity to share everything with you, do it out of love for Me.

Being in disbelief that I hear your every word, dishonors Me and causes one to pray without much thought about what they are saying, their heart is really not in it.

Please do not look at Me in the Monstrance or Tabernacle with insincere hearts, this causes Me pain, more than I can say, for as My people, I find My Joy in you.

I have great plans for your lives, listen as I speak to you, you will be comforted by My Love, and will be able to radiate this to others as I give you My Holy Spirit.

Your Angel who guards you, has been made privy to My attributes, willingly and joyfully will he attune you to them as you ask him, for He is looking at Me now.

The fear of God is a gift, it will make you conscious of not offending Me, but as you will offend Me, know that I am a Merciful and Forgiving God, Who as you repent will never remember your sin any longer.

You will have other friends, but I want to be the first friend, the One whom you go to, to be consoled in sorrow or pain, or just to say to Me I love you Jesus.

No One is better equipped than I in every way to help you in every situation, especially when you have sinned.

What a burden you carry until I take away the remorse and guilt, you are more likely to re-offend in this condition, let Me bring you more joy than you even had before you had fallen.

I allow trials and temptations in your life, that you may humbly come to Me, into My Loving Arms.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


2016-10-19                                                     INRI

Is your main concern today exactly when My return will be, this fact is literally unimportant at this time to you, for your real question is am I ready Lord for your return?

Have you put any effort in putting your life in order, does peace now reign in your heart so that I may use you at will, humility is knowing that God Who loves you wants to lead you home, let Me be in control.

I am delaying My return to allow more souls to be able to reconcile with Me, they must not put off any longer engaging in the sacraments especially confession.

Dearest souls, if you but only knew with what Love I am consoling the Father in order that all would be saved.

Each one, even the yet unborn, are as precious gems, created in My Image, fitted in My Glorious Crown, no one can replace even one of My creation.

The time grows short, you are under heavy attack by the enemy, who is trying to discourage and accuse souls ever with increasing force.

But do not be afraid, with the mere mention of My Name, they flee, the Holy Rosary is another weapon which, as you intercede for others, causes him the loss of many souls regained for the Kingdom.

Remain closely united with your Heavenly Mother, She and Her Angelic Cohort have run interference for all who depend not on themselves but on Her help.

Apart from natural disasters that have been allowed, to awaken a world asleep while spiritual disasters evolve, there will be signs in the skies, and I will do anything to convince even one more person to be transformed before it is too late.

My people you must not fear anything, because the enemy will use this, he initiates these fears, you for your part must trust in My Love and be at peace.

I am forming My Kingdom now, others will notice when you act out of love in the cause for another, they will notice when you forgive instead of revenge, they will notice generosity instead of greed.

Another of the devil’s tactics is to distract you so that you pay no attention to what is truly important, the condition of your soul, and being busy that you give Me very little time if any in prayer.

Your concern should be for your soul and that of your children, your family, that they find the Truth, do not become lethargic and complacent in your efforts, for this is crucial at this time, be fervent in prayer.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


2016-10-13                                                                          INRI

I know that in your heart you are serious in serving Me, your Lord and Savior, for I have seen your generous efforts.

I am Love, many times I have relayed these words to you, and how important it is that you understand that you cannot give what you do not have.

Because I am Love, you need to receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, so that I may fill you with the graces you will need each day.

I am completely happy and completely fulfilled in Myself, and do not need anything, and the way that you show Me love is by loving yourself as you are, and serving your neighbour as he is.

This glorifies Me, the Holy Trinity is therefore loved through your words but mostly through your good actions.

You will have peace within yourself and this generates charity towards others, and thus you walk the road that leads to eternity.

In this life you will have worries, those closest to you will inflict the greatest sorrow and pain, but do not allow your heart to be saddened.

Come to Me rather than allow your mind to race and imagine the worst of scenarios, that may or may not happen, prayer at this time will rescue you.

On earth, I modeled for you perfect obedience to the Father, as I prayed, not My Will but Thine be done, and therefore anything I allow in your life, thank Me, for nothing will be by chance.

My love for you is as great as My love for the Father, for I love perfectly and cannot love you any less no matter what.

Even if you should sin against Me, I never forsake you but eagerly await your return, for it is you who have turned your back to Me.

When you have accepted this fact of My great love for you, nothing will be impossible for you even martyrdom if you are called to it, for nothing else will matter, you’ll be Mine and I’ll be yours.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


2016-10-06                                                                              INRI

You will cry out to Me and I will hear you, you will seek to be relieved of your pain and therefore seek Me fervently.

I am the giver of joy and of lasting riches that for eternity will be yours, remain faithful to Me through the testing.

It is your will that I am testing, that you may be purified, do not grow discouraged as you journey in the darkness of the unknown, I will always be with you.

Though you do not see Me, you courageously carry on and do not turn back, for you have periodically been shown the light, it has propelled you when times were severely dry and devotion lacking.

Yes, My Spirit makes you comprehend that I your Master also underwent persecution in every way for love of you.

In your lowest times of disappointment, pain and sorrow, I will show Myself to you, but soon hide Myself from your view once again.

It is to increase your faith, that I proceed this way, that you be made stronger in trusting, as you run your race to the finish, you will be able to carry your cross to the end.

Continue to seek for My help, I will honour each request that will be of benefit to you, you have given Me your best in surrendering all, do not turn back be strong, you are Mine.

The Advocate will come, desire Him daily to be with you, helping you to perfection for My Glory.

You must not look to be favoured by your neighbour, this must not be your motive for advancing in holiness, nor must you seek an easier life than what has been presently given, be forever grateful.

I have gone to prepare a place for you, but you are not yet ready, do not weary in your daily walk towards paradise, surrounding you are many Saints and Angels, who are ready and available to help.

I bless you for your many efforts done out of love for Me, soon you will have revealed to you why certain things were allowed in your life, why other things were kept from you.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


2016-09-29                                                                                 INRI

I want to be the One Who teaches you what is true, for the world is full of falsehood, many are deceptive in their dealings, and seek prosperity only for themselves at whatever the cost.

My people have incurred injury and hurt because of the rampant sin that has darkened their lives, but I planned joy for you as you follow Me in emulating My life.

You will find that few words are needed, silence speaks volumes, and more valuable are the good works you will do in the gentle service especially to those who cannot repay.

In allowing Me to remain in you through grace, the work that you perform will be blessed by My Father, it will be humility in action, serving this way causes the evil one to flee.

He is repulsed by humility, and knows not how to combat nor cope with a person who embodies such virtue.

Detach yourselves from materialism, obtain from the intercession of the Blessed Mother, Who constantly advocates your causes, the grace of beginning to fast, denying yourself even one small thing today.

Child, you do not realize the joy and peace that will proceed from the very moment you decide for Me, that is that you say “no” to the allure of the world and say “yes” to My Will.

Your time on earth grows very short, but ultimately the choice remains yours, what is being portrayed to all is a lie and the Truth is found in everything I’ve taught.

My Blessings will be on all who will search, opening their hearts to the Scriptures, I will await you eagerly, as daily I am still in the tabernacles upon your altars, do not regret having lost the time that had been allotted to you.

You will hear Me, but you think it is your own thoughts and words, but does anything come from you of this caliber of which you hear Me speak?

For I speak softly, to your heart, I speak of My Love for you, it is not merely wishful thinking on your part, believe that I want to encourage and affirm you in these precious moments together.

Do not waste this valuable time in worldly amusements that do not bring you closer, further along the path that leads you to the Kingdom of God.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


2016-09-22                                                                              INRI

Come now to Me, secure, calm and joy filled; you who until now have been sorrowful, troubled and anxious, not able to rid yourselves of the sins on your conscience.

Your confession to Me has freed you, no longer can your misdeeds cause you remorse and unhappiness.

You have come to the fountain of My Mercy which has flooded your soul and cleansed it.

Past experiences have given way to fear and insecurity, which cause you to be operating out of fear and not the joy that I planned for you.

Do not fear that you will fall into this same tribulation, for My grace keeps you loyal and alert to the dangers that the evil one accuses you of, he who is enticing you once again has now been defeated.

I am Love, and I want you to love with this same fullness that can only be gained through forgiveness, My Love causes you to be able to forgive yourself, never again to be reminded of the past mistakes.

Poor sinners, by My Death and Resurrection, I have gained everything for you, do you not realize the gift of freedom that has been given you, who among you would not avail themselves of it.

You are no longer a captive of the evil one, he would have you believe that your addiction cannot be overcome, healed completely, but I say to you that you are free; come out of the darkness into the light.

Feed on Me, and unite with Me and others who are My faithful followers, unite with those I am sending to help you and strengthen you, you who are coming to safety through the great ordeal.

Your journey is My best for you, I have seen you through all eternity, for you are being brought from death to life.

 You are My only concern from all the world, and I desire that you not only know My Love for you but that you experience it first hand, thus you will be in My Merciful Love, a loyal friend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


2016-09-13                                                                              INRI

These were the words they used to accuse Me, and finding no fault in Me, they searched for anything they could use against Me.

I still dine with sinners, I am their sustenance and strength, indeed, I am all they will ever need in this world and the next.

Are you aware, that when you confess carelessly and without proper means to amend or to avoid such a sin, that I am being mocked again and again, just as did the soldiers mock Me during My Passion.

I want you to come to know My deep love and acceptance of you, when you do know this great love, you will no longer be in need of seeking approval or looking to find your identity through the opinionsof others.

Your credibility is in Me, I am the One Who leads My flock to safety, I affirm you in your heart and soul, in depths no earthly being can fathom, no one can duplicate nor dare to compete.

Child, you are Mine, do not seek to find your fulfillment elsewhere, for to do so is a useless effort that I will not bless.

You have come thus far not really knowing Me, for I am Spirit, but I want to reveal to you, slowly, My power and I am allowing you to receive gifts from My Heavenly abode, to aid all who would be saved.

These gifts, unique to individuals as I choose, will convince each of you of My love and desire to use you now in these perilous days ahead, for the time has come when humanity will know I am God and they will come to know the Truth.

Even though each bears a cross of suffering in one way or another, you will be in My employ serving the many who do not thank Me for the suffering they presently endure, tell them it is out of a great wisdom and love that they do not yet perceive.

Because you yourself are suffering, you will be a credible witness to those for whom you will minister, you are to look to Me for what you need in each circumstance, a word of knowledge, insight into a past incident, I will give you anything that I may see that will bring about their conversion. 

In My Name do I send you My little flock, I am sending you like sheep among wolves, but do not fear anything, with the boldness that I am going to give you, go forth and make disciples of all nations, healing the sick and casting out demons.