Wednesday, December 28, 2016


2016-12-28                                                          INRI

How can you love those who hate you, without Me you cannot, but those who hate you and are your enemy I am commanding you to love them all.

All in the world are My creation, made in My Image and all are in My Body, picture them as raindrops that make up an ocean, all are equally loved by Me.

Made up of many varied and distant peoples along the shores, turbulent waters in some areas, rocky coasts in places, sandy shores perhaps yet they are all Mine and you are called to love them.

I am in each one of you, some waters are clear, some murky other waters are full of sea creatures, fruitful waters and some barren.

There are warm friendly waters, others frozen and foreboding, as people go, I am merely making a comparison here of an ocean, that you may see that I love them equally without prejudice.

I desire that none be lost, yet some will be, they are never to reach their preferred destination which I prepared with such loving care.

In My Merciful Love, I have provided for last minute conversions and send My servants with My Word that will pierce to the very heart of each who will hear them.

My Word will bring about a realization of their wayward paths taken, and that they take an account of where they eventually will end up. 

I am patient and gentle, wanting Salvation for all, your prayers for these troubled souls will bring the necessary graces needed for them to see clearly the direction in which they must go.

As a caring Father, I am in each of you to accomplish the love needed in the world that has gone mad with frenzy in trying to find happiness apart from Me.

This happiness cannot happen in the way that they go, the joy they seek through selfishness and to overlook the needs of others, will not awaken the love instilled in each, in order to find their way home.

If any person would sense the loss and uselessness of their present state of life, and give Me even the least sign of seeking God, I would instantly respond and shower that person with overwhelming love.

There is no time to delay, tomorrow may be too late, gaze today at My Cross and see, with the help of My Holy Spirit, exactly what was sacrificed for love of you.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


2016-12-22                                                                              INRI

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you, I see your woundedness, your distress and frustration at times, leading you to react in an adverse manner.

Sometimes lashing out in anger, when your desire had been to love throughout your day, you become dismayed with yourself and feel quite hopeless.

The Truth is that you have been given new eyes to discover the Divine reality that is before you, the faith given you allows you to advance and achieve your goal, wake up children.

Not only through revelation, for this is indeed good, but in knowledge and wisdom as well, you begin to appreciate what is before you, listening with new ears you pay attention to what I am saying to you.

Always you are in My Mind, nothing happens to you that I have not foreseen, even calamities I turn to good for you are Mine.

You are questioning if you have Me within you, I wait for you to realize and desire to be in My presence, but I will never leave you.

I would wish to reveal the immensity of My Love for you but you could not withstand the greatness of all that I would show you.

It suffices to say that you are more precious to Me and that to see you harmed in anyway would cause Me great pain in an Infinitely Loving Heart. 

I am giving you what you can bear at this time, your soul will delight in the joy I give you when you receive Me in the Eucharist, there is no greater gift that I can give you than Myself, totally, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Yet to ascend to a greater conversion, it is in suffering united with Mine, that causes you the most growth in faith and love.

I know how much you want to belong solely to Me, do what is presented to you each day, your duty and also the unexpected occurrences will bring you to where you want to be.

Confidently entrust your everyday to Me knowing that I want you ultimately with Me for all eternity.

Know that I am doing everything in each of your lives, that you may reach your highest good while on earth, it is important that you do your best now, for in eternity this time in the world will be of beneficial significance.

May fear not enter your lives for I am coming soon and all will be made new, nothing will remain the same, do what you were created to do out of love for Me, I am with you always.

Friday, December 16, 2016


2016-12-15                                                              INRI

Recognize your freedom in Me, during your lifetime you have come through many phases.

Rebellious at first, you tried to find your own way without Me, but the confusion and utter bewilderment caused much sadness in your everyday living.

I, out of love for you, arranged circumstances that would enable you to need My help, that you would come in search of Me.

Each of you are unique and are at different stages of life, and temperaments, you could only be lead by a caring and loving infinite God.

Your freedom to choose was of greatest importance to Me, for I wanted a living relationship with you that would be your desire to do so.

I wanted to lift the veil from your eyes and minds, that sin had blinded and caused your hearts also to feel nothing for others and that you would not feel distant from Me.

Sin in your life had stolen your peace, and taken from you all realization of the beauty I had created for all humanity, out of love for each one.

And in order to obtain your freedom, which the evil one had enslaved you, I chose to die and rise again, this action brought you out of the darkness of sin into the light of grace.

Gratitude was now able to be in your hearts and on your lips, and the more you thanked Me for all I had given you, the more you could see to thank Me.

Not one minute of your life has been overlooked, My Father loves you already, but I pray within you as you pray, that He may see Me in you and you in Me.

Your eyes behold, even on earth the beauty in all things created, that previously had been hidden and thus overlooked, love changes everything and grace increases hope for eternity in Heaven.

Should your life take a turn and you find yourself persecuted and suffering, do not fear, I am with you.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life whoever comes to Me will never die, I have set you free, go and proclaim your liberty to a world that is hungry for freedom in knowing the Truth.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


2016-12-07                                                                         INRI                           

How very important it is to affirm one another, it is so vital in fact that, My Father affirmed Me at My Baptism in the Jordan River before I began My Ministry in the world.

Again before My Passion, suffering and death, the Father affirmed that I was His Beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased, this was on Mount Tabor in the presence of My Apostles Peter, James and John.

Did the Father consider this revelation to be of great importance to Me and to those to whom it was revealed?

Wounded soldiers are not sent into battle, some of you are not being affirmed, and not knowing your true identity in Me, causes you to be less than I created you to be, unable to fight against evil in your everyday life.

Verily I tell you that each of you are a valued member of My Body, I feed you with My Eucharist that transforms you to become part of Me, and to not be defeated by the enemy’s words.

Surely you have heard his words, you may even have thought them to be your own thoughts, he is the one who accuses My people, he rehashes old arguments that make you feel ashamed, even old grievances are brought to mind that cause you guilt and sadness.

Do you not recognize that this is not what I desire for you, for I would have you focus your mind and thoughts on the good, which I will form in you, even minor faults will disappear from your life.

I Myself want to unite with you in a unique intimate communion of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Affirming you with the love that My Father showered down from Heaven upon Me, as I received the Holy Spirit, His strength and courage bestowed not only on Me, but also on you for you are Mine.

Not one of you was created inferior, and knowing that you are loved beyond measure, should make you want to shout it from the rooftops.

But you doubt that I could love you in this way, others perhaps because of their gifts and abilities, but not yourself, for all that you’ve endured during your life has caused you to be unsure of My Love for you.

My gentle and sensitive child, nothing could be further from the Truth, you are precious to Me and I am waiting for your surrender, in order that I may show you that you are already on the narrow road that leads to eternity.

I am holding your hand with each step that you take, show Me that you trust in the joy and peace that is Mine, which I want to give to you now and forever.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


2016-12-01                                                               INRI

Yes, there is a present darkness that is prevalent in the world today, but My people are seeing the Light that will soon overcome that present day darkness.

Are the people in this present age holier than of old, so few are in the line for the Sacramental Confession, do Sacrilegious Communions contribute greatly to the present darkness in the world today?

My Faithful enjoy peace in their hearts that reveal My Image, they know that they are still a work in progress but with faith, their lives have a joy that no one or no trial may diminish.

If you should carry the cross of illness or persecution, loss of ability to care for yourself and or are dying, you receive the grace of strength and an increase of peace to proceed in your life with joy.

This is a time for you to allow Me to come to you and comfort you, console and enable you to rest in My Arms, tranquil, trusting in My Love to either bring you home, heal you or whatever the need that it be resolved.

Did I not leave you My Peace when I Ascended into Heaven, returning to My Father, receive now the assurance of the care that is Divine.

You receive the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist, are you still unaware of the power and healing within you, trust and not fear allows Me to operate in your life in a way that will benefit your fellowman.

Why do you fear anything, do you question within yourself My Love, do not forget Me, Who am so close and wanting you to ask for all that you need. 

I carry you in My Heart and I know all whose names are written in the Book of Life, do I not guard and protect you as a mother her precious child, I gave My very Life for you.

The way you will achieve and keep your peace is by helping others in any way that is before you, try to remember that I am constantly working in your life for your greater good.

If you would fast or sacrifice for someone else, they would be able to see Me in your light, which is ultimately My Light working in you.

I would be saving many souls through your selfless efforts, and this fact enables you to know Me in a more profound way, you come to realize maybe for the very first time My Selfless act in saving you.