2018-01-25 INRI
Because you have joy and trust in God that He will work all things to the good for those who love God, know that your trials are temporary and they will get resolved, and that you are strengthened by them.
Keep My Word close to your heart, you will not understand everything even upon meditating, yet your soul, which is eternal, is enriched through the reading, as prayer enriches the heart.
It is important that you believe that the Scripture that you are reading is truly the Word of God, this is and always remains My definitive Word of instruction to you, you must take it seriously and decide to obey.
I will walk with you as you believe and are desiring to do the Will of God, by studying the Bible you will deepen your understanding of My presence, seek always humility as you grow in knowledge.
Some have assumed and come to the conclusion that the stories are fabricated, I assure you that it is the real Truth, everything in the Bible is true.
When you pray, talk to Me from your heart, tell Me how you have today decided to be serious in the decision to obey and to change your life trusting in My Love to guide and assist you.
I build up your faith through your daily experiences, slowly you learn to be patient, compassionate and loving, surely there will be failures, but through forgiveness and getting back on the right road, you will eventually succeed in holiness.
You must not be attached to possessions in this life, it is what distracts, it is what causes worry, because the more you have, the more you must be concerned to hold on to it, this is My very point of contention.
What is your most prized possession, remember Abraham, his son Isaac was to be sacrificed, he did not hesitate to give up what he treasured the most, it was a test and he gained the title “Father of many Nations.”
I test all, to show you how much better it is to love God instead of things, I am after all preparing you to be inhabitants of the New Heavens and the New Earth.
Until you release everything to Me, your heart will be divided, truly I tell you that if even one drop of My Blood flowed within your veins, people would convert even in hearing your words, some would be healed of their ailments and there would be peace in your presence.
A divided heart will never meet God, you must be Christ like in all you do, not just try, for you can do it.
I can make you new, I can fill you with My Spirit and give you an anointing that will enable you to die to self that will change your whole outlook on this life, all I need is your permission, show Me that you are serious