2018-04-20 INRI
All seek to find security in life, but if that security is not found in God, a person may try to compensate that insecurity, their eternity, that is their eternal future, in many varied avenues and activities.
When the soul has lost all virtue, it considers itself poor, and will try to minimize the pain with buying things with the wealth it gains, whether lawful or illicit, sometimes at the neglect of family needs.
But material possessions no matter how bountiful, can never give peace to the soul, nor tranquility to the mind.
As it is written man cannot serve both God and Mammon, one who has everything is not always happy or content, and one who is poor in the goods of the world may be at peace with God and neighbour.
Notice My Life on earth, one of poverty, I chose to be among the poor, so that you may become rich, I came to show you the way of love, those who live a life apart from Me, do not accept the grace offered.
Without Me in your life there is a void, that is filled by fear, so many fears, but the most pressing fear is that of death.
For those who have worshiped mammon, in lieu of God, those fear the loss of what they have accumulated all their lives in wealth.
If they do not believe in God, if they’ve had no need of Him, they live with the fear of the loss of body and their wealth, whereas the faithful ones fear the loss of their soul.
But as for you My people, who fear with a Godly fear, with a filial fear, as one would feel devoted to a loving parent, they are afraid to offend.
Have I not told you many times not to be afraid, that is not to be afraid of dying, not to be afraid of persecutions for your faith, not to be afraid of poverty or want of anything, and finally not to fear the future.
TRUST, this is what will allow My Life to reign within you constantly, no doubts should be given any place to dwell in you, look how I have always taken care of the things of all of nature, this will be a reminder to you, I have never forgotten you, your names are written on the palms of My Hands.