2018-10-25 INRI
You are indeed seated with Me at My Right Hand, though you do not yet enjoy the glory, for I was Crucified and you will follow Me in your sufferings.
I want your understanding to be clear, that while you are still on the earth, you will suffer, suffering is an important aspect of your formation as My followers, for a servant is not greater than his master.
Your suffering is not a punishment for anything you’ve done, nor am I angry with you, the Father isallowing you to unite with Me, His Son, in this crucial element of Salvation, it is a sign of filial adoption as His child, a sign of your sonship with Me.
You do not choose how you will suffer, each of you are so dear to Me, and your formation is a carefully executed plan that has been put in place, though you are unaware of anything that I am doing for your welfare.
By your offering to Me all your hardships and even your negative feelings, I accept as truly your honesty in dealing with what the Father has arranged for you, to eventually become a saint in Heaven.
Look at Me hanging on the Cross, …..... here is where you will receive grace, to have the proper perspective on what you suffered or are presently suffering, though you may be thinking in this present moment that your suffering has come from the pit of Hell.
Before I died such an ignominious death for love of you, I prepared for your nourishment, My Body and Blood in Holy Eucharist, you would need to be fed to have the strength to carry on, courage and peace within.
You needed to have the knowledge that you would not be left alone, but that I Myself would be with you through every peril.
There is another reason for your being fed, as I have nourished you, you are to be nourishment for others, you are to bring Me to them, since they do not come to Me.
By your serving them in whatever form that it may take, you are feeding them Me, I am thus able to tend to their needs through your loving care, they see Me in you.
This has been the Father’s plan, that you serve as I served, endure for a little while the cross, for soon I will be coming, meanwhile feed My sheep, care for My lambs.