Friday, November 30, 2018


2018-11-01                                                               INRI

By My Death and Resurrection I have set you free, what is it that the enemy has stolen from you, do you still now walk without confidence as if defeated by him, when in reality, you along with Me are the  Victors.

With much effort on your part, you have believed, that all your problems were your own, that somehow you must resolve each and every one of them alone, you have been taught that God cares for you, but in your heart, you surmise that you must take care of them all yourself, that I am far from you.

My desire is for you to surrender all to Me, it may be that the timing is not right just yet, remain in prayer, trusting while you wait, thanking Me for My Love and holding on in faith until the resolve.

Have I healed something in you that you now hesitate to believe, do not doubt any longer, I do not heal and then withdraw My blessings, these thoughts are not from Me, think of who has put this doubt in your mind.

Are you now living with more fears instead of having more confidence in Me, you are to have less self- confidence in yourself, the Holy Spirit will give you the thoughts that you should have in order for you to progress in this earthly life, towards happiness and holiness.

With confidence in Me, you will not fear humiliation, for in proceeding fearlessly you will find that it was groundless to be afraid, I will be able to use you to teach others to have confidence in Me as well as being a credible witness.

Spend some time meditating on just what the enemy really has stolen from you, while in My Light I will be showing you exactly the person you were meant to be before the fall. 

But in a still greater way, I want to open your heart to the Truth, the Truth of what you really have when you possess Me within you, you have everything that you will ever need.

Possibly you have never thought of what the enemy has taken from you, you have been set free, yet some are still walking as if they had not been released from the enemy’s territory, unconsciously as if still a prisoner.

Recoup what is rightfully yours through what I suffered and gained back for you, mainly your Eternal Salvation, you are My child, not a slave of the devil and are no longer under his subjection.

I have been raised from the dead, and you are alive in Me, you are to live the Resurrected life in and through Me, go and bear witness to this.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


2018-11-29                                                                                     INRI

Remain steadfast in your faith, that is remain faithful through the purification that must happen within My Church, pray to remain steadfast.

The time has run out, I must act for the Church will undergo a time of trial and renewal, look to Me to lead you safely through it, pray continually and be in communion with Me daily, there is nothing of greater importance.

Do not be alarmed nor dismayed at what will be happening, though the Church appear to be destroyed, did My Apostles and disciples at seeing My Death and burial not huddle together in despair and fear?

I am returning soon, but My plan for Salvation must be allowed to run its course, be open and do not try to manipulate or instruct Me as to what is needing to be accomplished and in what time-frame.

Evil and sin have caused havoc in My Church and a thorough cleansing must take place, it will shake it to its foundations, only the strong who persevere faithfully will survive.

Oh, that you would now recognize the time of your visitation, I may come to you in the disguise of the poor, or anyone who needs you to listen, if only to encourage one to continue one more day, or it may be that you will see that the veil between us, is most transparent when you receive Me in Eucharist.

Take every opportunity today to be strengthened in the faith given to you, some of you will be martyred, they will be given a special grace to enable them for this important mission, yet others are being made ready for the cohort, led in the army of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

She will crush the head of Satan, all that is to happen has been prepared, continue to pray with confidence, you will be given grace to know the enemy, and to discern those who are fighting the good fight with you.

No longer will I stand by allowing the Evil One to infiltrate what was My Holy, Apostolic Church on earth, now appearing to be defeated, demolished, soiled.

I will raise up a purified, cleansed Church to worship freely for the Glory of God, be steadfast though the darkness be all around you for now.

Look to Me, the Son Who is behind the present darkened clouds, I am ready to return, to shine with the brightness of the dawning of a new day, to claim those who are truly My own.

I visit you in special moments when I will make the veil between us transparent, making these times the means for deeper conversions, they will be crucial in the very near future, prepare and do not waste this precious time.

Each of you are equal in My Eyes, shall I not use what is Mine in the way that I see best, do not fear anything, for what you will be called to do, I will arrange beyond your knowledge and expectations.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


2018-11-22                                                      INRI

You are aware that not all people in this world have the same beliefs and Christian mindset, in fact I am alerting you now to the growing dominance that will infiltrate cities and countries that were once faith filled with Christians.

I am speaking to you today regarding the Islamic people, whom most people view as harmless and just different in their beliefs, but the truth is, they intend to dominate the world, you naively befriend the enemy.

Love and peace are not what they embrace as doctrine, they have not accepted the Gospel as you have,  you model your Christian lives on Me, your Saviour out of love, yet it is not so with the Muslims who are subject to their god Allah out of fear.

Some of you have limited the number of children that I had planned for the Kingdom of God, and this has altered the plans of Heaven, whereas the Muslims are having as many children, through polygamy, having many wives and many children, in order to populate the world with Muslims and their customs.

You have not wanted to cause any trouble and so they have demanded to have their way in politics and building mosques, steadily gaining ground in your countries as you are really unaware of what is truly happening.

Don’t be afraid, I am still in control, but I am wanting to warn you of the impending dangers at hand, trust in God, without Me you can do nothing, I have given you My Spirit to enable you to act according to love.

Yes, pray for those who would devour you, you are the unsuspecting prey, as they would impose their beliefs upon you, yet I am with you to help in ways that will allow you to escape the enemy and his persecution.

Their teaching is to dominate, I showed submission to the Will of My Father, Who is Love, by this act you were saved, you follow Me, imitating humility, gentleness, compassion and caring for each other, you love Me, for I am your Creator.

Keep your weapon in hand, your Rosary which was given to you by your Holy Mother Mary, and the Sacrifice of the Mass will be your most powerful means of strength against the enemy.

Through your Baptism, you were born again by water and the Spirit, you shall not be moved to renounce your Faith, no matter the persecution, or whatever the suffering.

Confidence in God and the Church I founded are the very fabric of who you are in Me, do not be afraid, I will not let you face any peril without Me, remember you are always at My Right Hand.

My plans for your Salvation are proceeding though darkness prevails, you have the Truth, do not fear but continue to praise God, the outcome is known to you, My Love for you will overcome all adversity.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


2018-11-15                                              INRI

When you allow My Love to forgive you, to heal your wounds, to give you new life, then you will want to share that same love with others, the same love you are experiencing with Me.

Until you accept forgiveness from Me, you are utterly separating yourself not only from Me, but your family and society itself, misery and sadness accompany you each day, though you may disguise it unconvincingly with a smile.

Do not fear to come to Me through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you cannot imagine the rejoicing in Heaven and the joy that you will experience even here and now, in fact it is of vital importance for your spiritual health.

Invoke the Holy Spirit, ask the Blessed Mother for help in moving you to be reconciled, that I may lift the burden you have carried for far too long.

As you surrender yourself to Me, you enable the Trinity to release to you graces in all aspects of your life’s journey home.

I may heal your physical pain at this time or resolve spiritual wounds, but in My delight, I want to give you so much more than you are asking or that you expected from this encounter.

Stay close to My Heart always, for I want to reveal secrets that will allow you to know more of My Attributes, enabling you to love Me more.

The children of this world are blind to the pitfalls before them, you need spiritual eyes to avoid making mistakes, which I would desire to spare them from experiencing, for some may never recover from the harm done in this life.

I am here to alert you before it is too late, if you remain in grace, you will have the gift of discernment in order to avoid hurting yourself and others, instead you will be led to bring love and peace to all.

Do not become weary, but find refreshment for your soul, each day will bring a new beginning to you, in order that your spirit will have a new encounter with your Risen Lord.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


2018-11-08                                                                  INRI

Have you now sensed and come to finally realize, that you are My special child, have you come to know, that I favour you greatly, and do you know that whoever opposes you, opposes Me, much as a father defends his son whom he loves.

Walk confidently in our relationship, knowing all the while that others are also special as you are in My Eyes, because you are all in the unity of My Body on the earth.

Yet this should not deter your trust in Me regarding the caring for your every need, as if you were My one and only child upon whom I dote.

My desire is for you to care for Me also in this way, freely giving your love and respect to Me at all times, for many show ingratitude and indifference to Me, their Creator and Saviour.

I want you to know that you need not be imprisoned by your past indiscretions, I have forgiven you, stop this self-destruction, look instead to the needs of those I have put in your path today, as you journey together coming home to Me.

Listen carefully to what I will whisper in your heart regarding the soul set before you, even a little consideration, or gesture of friendship, I will bless.

For you are walking in My Love, and in My purpose, which is the very reason that I gave you life.

You have been given power from above, walk humbly and with confidence, your credentials are valid, and you have been sent on a mission to bring My Love to others, you are not sent without the weapons you will need to defend yourself against the enemy.

Think carefully of just who would lose out if you did not proceed in this work of loving your neighbour, now, think of who would benefit if you did nothing to promote love in the Kingdom of God, for evil and corruption run rampant throughout this present world.

Yes, I know well the hurt and pain that you have endured at the hands of others, but if you will unite it all with My Sufferings on the Cross, I will make it a tremendous gain for you and not a loss, for My Goodness will not be outdone.

Rekindle and regain your happiness and joy, I want you to smile always, keeping your eyes on Me, and not looking back, for I am in your future not your past.