You will have what you need when you are in need of it and not before, do not worry or fret.
Look at the lives of the Saints, it did not matter whether they had little or plenty, or whether they enjoyed good health or sickness, they surrendered their lives to Me even unto death.
As they trusted, grace was given, they had the eyes of Faith from which to see and sense My presence, and I hold the same for each of you My faithful followers, do not fear.
Fear from you dishonors Me, do you not see that the Father is Glorified in Me and I give you abundant graces as you have confidence and trust in Me?
All that you will need will be given to you including supernatural graces when necessary, when you are doing My Will you become a witness to those whose Faith is weak and wavering.
I have always gone before you showing you the way you should go, read and meditate on the Scriptures, here you will find Me and you will get to know Me as you so desire.
Thus you will find the courage and strength to perform deeds that will bring to the Kingdom the lost and the weary, the sick need your words to encourage them, the fearful require the peace that I gave to My Apostles and which I have given to you.
In their darkest moments, they will seek you out, for they will have remembered seeing Me in you, you received new life through My Holy Spirit, He has given you a new language, a heart of flesh to replace the heart of stone, and now many gifts for serving are at your disposal.
I love you My children, shining and beautiful, you make up the jewels in My Crown, for I am preparing the path, each uniquely crafted for you to be glorious in My Kingdom of Light.
With the rising of each new day, anticipate the meeting of even one hurting person, whom I will send, that you might encourage, for they may have a smile on their face, yet I see the hidden desolation in their hearts and souls.
My Love for you will be the fuel that will enable you to give what they need, the Holy Spirit reveals what is needed, be attentive to the still small voice, while praying in your new language, for it is to Me that you ask to heal the broken and wounded.
Do not dwell on what is to come, today has enough for you to be concerned with, I am here, talk with Me in Adoration, I will instruct and console you, come and see.
Go now about your day, find happiness in serving, merely doing your duty that is all I am asking of you in the moment, for I know what will make you happy, My Hands are full of the graces you are askingfor.