The ideology of this sexual revolution is being forced upon all humanity, those who are weak in faith, readily accept it, for it sounds good, humane and agreeable, allowing everyone to do what they want.
Yet, to My faithful people it is an abomination, for they are systematically pressured to accept every evil that comes into the world as being good and acceptable, or they are ostracized.
Children, from an early age are indoctrinated in their education to accept these ideas that the Church opposes, the parents are cited as being prudes or intolerant of others’ beliefs, conflict ensues.
But I tell you, the way to perdition is wide and smooth, many travel it, yet, the way of Truth and faith is narrow and rough, trials and discomforts frequently are on this path for those who diligently travel it.
Truly I tell you, I have not been vague or unclear in My Words concerning these things, if you wish to follow Me the road will be difficult, for I did not come to earth to bring peace but division.
Do you not understand, that Satan would give you all that would be welcomed in the world that you live in, what the world favours is not what will bring you further along the road that you desire to travel, in loving the world, it makes you My enemy.
My desire is that none should perish, yet freewill allows you to choose, but I tell you sin enslaves you, I died to set you free, for freedom to choose rightly was gained for you at the Cross on Calvary.
I am greatly saddened to see one revert back to a life of sin, that he had once rejected, only to find that his life has taken a turn for the worse because of it.
Meditate My Words of Scripture, here is where you will get to know Me, I will reveal to you what was overlooked in previous times, that you read passages you did not understand, this is very serious and you must adhere to My instructions if you would aspire to gain your eternal reward.
While you are still upon earth, there is still time for you to repent, for every minute becomes a new opportunity for conversion, pray and offer sacrifices for others’ conversion as well, many graces will come in this endeavour.
You will have many distractions in life, do not waste time and energy on those things that will not benefit you the most, when your destination requires a firm resolve on your part.
My Eyes are constantly on you to do well, and My Holy Spirit empowers you for success, begin anew and you will see new graces granted to your day, cooperate with this help that I am sending you and soon we will be together forever.
frsamjohnston.blogspot.com Fr. Sam Johnston