I would not have you dwell on the afflictions of this present day, rather that you now think on your eternity in the glory of Heaven.
Even though your earthly life will end with death, yet will you live, your bodies which on this earth are perishable, will then be in Heaven imperishable, spiritual beings.
Sin brought death into the world, lawlessness into a life that I had created to be joyful, was turned to toil and suffering for all of mankind.
But I have redeemed all of humanity, the Father so loved the world which He had created, that He sent Me, His only Son, to save each one of you, so that none would be lost.
You suffer now, all will carry a cross of some kind, and most will experience death in this world, but just as I rose from the dead, so will My faithful rise to newness of life.
Entering Heaven you will have a spiritual body, your earthly body, which was buried in weakness, will again be raised no longer in weakness but in power and perfection for all eternity.
Therefore, as I was the first born of all My brothers and sisters and have gone before you, I am now preparing a place for you, My redeemed, to be forever with Me.
Have courage My people, to work out the Salvation that was gained for you, ceaselessly working and praying for those who would otherwise be lost, I am therefore commissioning each of you to do this work on behalf of those in need.
Do not fear anything, for I am always beside you in times of trouble, in every disappointment, and when faced with those who will openly show hate towards you because of your fidelity to Me.
Pray in the Spirit, you will be edified and sanctified, a holy boldness will be evident in your character, when I call on you to act, you will have the courageous ability to bring to completion the work to be done.
By neglecting to invoke the aid of My Holy Spirit, you will grieve Him, for He is Gentle, yet all Powerful, He is the Comforter and will Console those who befriend Him, you will need His assistance in the work that is coming shortly.
He is waiting patiently for the opportunity to assist you and for the benefit of all, He is wanting to work wonders in your lives, all for the safety and security of God’s Kingdom, for your humanity is fragile and is in need of Heaven’s resources.
frsmjohnston.blogspot.com SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR
Fr. Sam Johnston to Irene Noordhoek INRI