Friday, December 9, 2011



My child do not be satisfied with an increase in faith alone.

I will allow your circumstances to further and raise the love within you.

Your good deeds must proceed from the desire to love Me more and in order to do this you must unite with Me so that the love you give is through the Holy Spirit moving you.

Sometimes you will not understand immediately that what is unsettling you is actually from My Hand.

I do not always grow you in restful waters; as was in the Gospels, there were times when My disciples were harassed and even martyred.

For now, rest with Me in calm waters which are lapping onto the shore of the sea, as I prepare you for what is to come. Each one has in Me a unique and wonderful mission.

You need not try to decide in advance how you will proceed with your deeds of Mercy, your caring words for others or your prayers interceding for them.

This good must be consistent and not sporadic as a single achievement.

Ask Me for this growth in love, come to the Creche of Bethlehem, where love itself awaits you.

Do not deny yourself this opportunity by becoming too busy during the consumerism which has replaced what I have planned for My own, the joy of sharing self with others.

As many become more selfish with the urging and enticements of Satan and the world, it becomes more critical for you to “step up to the plate” as it were.

The Harvest is ready, but unless you allow Me to ready your heart in Love, united with Mine, you will be able to do nothing. I want this even more than you do.

How great is the need; I will lead and empower you, repent of your complacency and I immediately set in motion graces untold to bless your good efforts.

Because you have been forgiven, you are able to forgive and the grace is there to do so.

Put on your lips Praise and Thanksgiving in all that befalls you.

Begin slowly with little daily events, accepting with trust, and eventually somehow mysteriously, not of your doing but Mine, you are honoring Me with your ‘yes” as did Mary, My Beloved Mother.

This is the entrance to the Kingdom here on earth, a taste of the joy to come.

But for now come, fall on your knees before the power of the Almighty God, who descends into the cold, poverty and humanity for love of you who await the command to proceed on your mission, empowered by Love.


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