Thursday, March 12, 2015


2015-03-12                                                                                             INRI

You who are My faithful followers will know that you are now living in the end times, the Book of Revelation.

Having turned your life away from wrong-doing and changed your hearts to live not for yourselves, you are the ones whom I now challenge to grow even more, into the person I created you to be.

With an ever growing Faith, you have made yourselves available to Me for the accomplishment of good works, and are examples of love and obedience.

By self-denial, you are truly becoming the person I created you to be, for the things that inhibited this growth in you was materialism and selfishness.

At your Baptism, you were forged into a new creation, the real you was beginning to emerge, everything that grace has provided and placed in your life was for your formation.

Indeed as your Faith in Me began to mature, I placed people and occasions, even those you would never dream could be of assistance to you, I have especially chosen in My Wisdom and fore-knowledge.

Each of you are My son and daughter whom I died for, and everything that could possibly aid in your spiritual development and holiness, I have done.

The realization is forthcoming and it is My great pleasure to receive from My children the love and trust that they have wrought through prayer and meditation.

As you continue to surrender all in your life that is a barrier to what I desire for you, that is all that keeps you from your full potential of being a Saint, you will find joy as you progress in My image.

Even Heaven itself is forming you, so many Saints, your relatives of generations past, also Angels, do not neglect to thank your Guardian Angels who were chosen especially for each of you, all are inspiring and praying for your home coming.

Has anything been left undone in your formation, be always with a positive outlook for your life and the lives of your loved ones, for glorious is the reward that awaits you who are predestined, whom I have been forming all your lives.

In the reckless youthful time of your lives, some lost their way and found their way back to Me before it was too late, it will all be part of what makes each unique in the testimony of a life turned around.

The Blessed Mother has given you the Rosary, trust and love Her for She is foremost the best friend in Heaven that you will ever have, interceding and praying for you in all your needs.

If you remain close to me, I will make known to you the path that you must tread in order that you reach your ultimate goal, did I not say that I have gone to prepare a place for you? 

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