Wednesday, May 27, 2015


2015-05-26                                                                    INRI

I have gone to the Father to prepare a place for you, that you may be with Me forever.

But for now live in My joy even as I accomplish your purification, that may not be pleasant at times but necessary.

You will trust Me to cleanse those things in you that you may not even be aware of, things that in the afterlife would cause you to remove yourself from My presence.

Your love for Me and for others has yet to be perfected, it is My work in you and for the good of those whose Salvation is pending, I devise plans that will benefit all concerned. 

I will thus be purifying your intentions and motives for doing good, it will not be for self glorification but for My glory completely and purely.

May all that you perform in love be to do only My Will and not what you would desire to do for Me, it will be a matter of the grace that accompanies these acts that will make the difference.

Thus you will have a constant joy always, for you will not fail, it will be what I desire and the outcome will not concern you, it will be as I have willed it, for My Wisdom is beyond your scope.

I am coming soon for the chastisement of this world has begun, I am cleansing a world that has spun out of control and beyond revulsion in the eyes of it's Creator.

You will assist Me in your own cleansing and purification by surrendering each day and accepting what may come, remember that it is only good that I will allow to transform you.

As troubled as this world appears now, all is not lost place your hope only in Me for My love for you is total, My elect are safe and need not fear, remain in communication with prayer.

You have joy in the depths of your being, it is there because of My Holy Spirit dwelling in you, could I allow anything to harm you, He will direct your every step if you allow it, each day will be a new realization of Our love.

Those around you will be drawn to your calm assurance, your trusting and selfless resolve, that you give to Me in serving your brothers and sisters.

Yes, you are suffering as you follow Me, always be aware that only good is passing through My Hands that you may gain grace upon grace in your purification.

I am preparing you for what is happening in your world, but also for the new life that you will be living with Me, My love for you is unending and I await the day when you will be completely Mine.

Do not be afraid as you see the earth in such turmoil, I shelter you beneath the shadow of My Wings, remain in the joy of trusting in My love for you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


2015-05-20                                                                                 INRI

Undeniably with the eyes of Faith, you will see Me, I long to anoint you that you may see Me.

With great anticipation in your heart, you will perceive My presence before you, gazing into your very Soul.

As you continue to praise and worship, a sense of well-being and peace wells up within each one who has given Me these precious moments of time to devote to the One Who loves them infinitely.

Not with your human eyes will you see Me, for this will be for most of you reserved for our encounter as you begin a new life with all in Heaven.

You have never left My eyes, for I viewed you from the Cross, there I loved you because of your great need of redemption and sanctification, I so desired to give you My Spirit.

Look at Me now and adore Me, I am removing blindness caused by sin, imperfections that separate us and that impair your hearing Me and all the guilt that you have held on to.

Receive understanding of the Faith I have gifted you with, for here and now will be revealed the Truths and realities of what you believe, you will now know that you know without a doubt.

In your need, I am purifying you, daily as you receive Me in the Eucharist, soon the pillars upon which you are relying will no longer be there, I am now preparing you to be strong, I will be with you.

Some will find that they have been incapacitated for a short time, do not fight this time of rest, for I am very much with you, it is a necessary period given to some that they may more directly be instructed.

When you have recovered, you will be strengthened and given power in the words I will give to you for others, possibly family or friends, or whoever I may send you, be aware of My wanting to use you.

Your prayers are very powerful, do not underestimate what I can do through you, you do not realize how much worth I place on the little sacrifices you offer Me in the light of doing good for another.

Seek to simplify your life, otherwise I may proceed to help you in a more severe way, I would rather that you initiate this yourselves, it will be of a greater merit for you.

As you gaze at Me, you do not realize how much love is radiating to your Souls, ask Me for what you desire and if it is to love Me more or anything within My Will, surely I will be prompt to comply.

Oh, what a delight the heart and Soul engage in as I bathe you in My radiant light, calming fears and anxiety, filling each with trust and security, and at this precious time do not look for what you must do to increase your love for Me, only receive.

Only receive what I am giving you in waves coming from the Tabernacle or Monstrance, you are receiving My peace and love, as the waves of the Sea coming to the shore, again and again.

Friday, May 15, 2015


2015-05-14                                                                                       INRI

If you attempt any project or try to accomplish any task without invoking the aid of My Holy Spirit, you displease Him.

The world as you now know it is passing away, but the Father's plan is well underway, and unfolding, progressing as has long been foretold.

The Holy Spirit will be poured out into your Souls and transform you into a New Heaven, nothing will remain the same.

Inspired then by the Spirit of Truth, sinners will turn to My Mercy and by this I will be glorified and will fill them with joy and light, and a freedom that they have never known.

In an instant it becomes clear to the mind, which had previously been confused and irrational, disillusioned, afraid and saddened, that something is wrong and needs to change.

All these negative symptoms will have disappeared as in an early morning mist with the coming of the sun, one will know without a doubt, what he must now do.

Invoke the Spirit of Truth constantly, have Him as your best friend for this is what He is.

He is the gentle, cool breeze in the summer heat, strength for the weak, peace for those who are anxious, encouragement for the downtrodden and hopeless ones, and healing for the ailing.

Truly, with and in My Spirit, the light of the Soul, mind and heart lift all who seek to come to know and desire a life lived in and through Me.

My Holy Spirit delights in giving His sevenfold gifts and to produce fruits in you that will last throughout eternity.

For the holiness that you will attain upon earth, will proceed with you into eternity and continue to progress always.

Because you have been made in My Image, you glorify your Triune God with every increase in virtue and grace attributed to you through acts of love.

It is the Spirit's work to purify Souls into Sainthood for the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore strive to love more and more while you are able, soon you will have understanding of what is hidden, do not neglect to do good.

Humility is the foundation upon which is built the New Heavens, follow the leading of the Queen of Heaven and earth, for She is the most humble of all God's creatures.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


2015-04-05                                                             INRI

Do not run away from Me when you have transgressed, but to Me.

Is your sin greater than My love, too great for My forgiveness?

Evil was begun in a garden and the solution also was begun in a garden, therefore come to Me.

I came so that My Father's Will might be perfectly accomplished upon earth as it is in Heaven, I was to execute His will perfectly upon the earth.

I became your daily bread, your nourishment and in Me you would be able also to perform perfectly the Father's Will, as long as you would remain in Me.

As you can do nothing without Me, in Me you are able to forgive those who transgress against you, I empower you to do all things well.

Some among you are not receiving the full benefits of the Holy Eucharist as I have intended, you are questioning why, it is because of the lack of faith and hearts that are unreceptive to the graces being supplied.

As when I had walked the earth, many in My hometown, who thought they knew who I was, were not able to receive the healing and miracles that I had desired to give to them, My Heart was indeed saddened in this.

But to you who are increasingly seeking more of Me, I grant an abundance of blessings and grace, a consolation that steadily gives peace and joy to your heart.

You will receive healing because of My wish to form you according to the Father's plan for the world.

I am thirsting that you anticipate with a greater urgency My power and transformation in you, for each of you has been chosen by My Father in Me before the beginning of time.

And so, chosen one, do not lose your joy and peace over your every transgression, for in doing so I am rendered powerless to work in and through you.

Just as I was constrained and limited to accomplish what I could have done in Nazareth, where there was no amount of signs, sufficient to convince their unbelief, few were able to be healed, oh what sadness was in My Heart.

Will you delight Me today in praising Me, thus your joy returns and healing will be put into your hands and Mine, that together we may change the world, oh the power of prayer and praise, allow Me to empower you.

Herein lies therefore the secret of the demise of the evil one, pray the rosary and present to your Holy Mother your worries and concerns, She will free you for My use.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


2015-04-30                                                                       INRI

Each moment of everyday of your life here upon this earth, I am raising you higher, even as you do not seek it yourselves, for you do not treasure this time with the importance that it holds.

Because your eyes are veiled, you do not realize how much the world is increasingly pulling you down, deeper and deeper as in quick-sand, oblivious to how you are being corrupted within your Souls.

I am therefore lifting you up out of the mire, and setting your feet once again upon the path of righteousness that leads to Me and eternal happiness.

This leading of which I speak, is not for the future only but for the here and now, empowering you to do those things that will bring the greatest rewards for you and for the good of others.

You may not be aware of any of what is happening in the realm of your present existence, for as I have said, your eyes are veiled, shielded.

You do not perceive My glorious brilliance even as I am before you in the Monstrance on your altar, nor are you aware of the great entourage of Saints and Angels that adore in My presence.

Without the veil, My presence in the Holy Eucharist would be impossible to view with human eyes, so spectacular and illustrious is My Being. 

At times, I permit some of the Chosen few to see Me, for the good of My faithful followers that they may believe with a greater Faith.

Without your being able to sense in anyway, I superimpose Myself with you at Communion, because you have been crucified in Me, now in Me you live the resurrected life with Me.

How few believe the immensity of the greatest privilege ever bestowed upon human beings, to be empowered with Divinity.

Be at Peace, this is the beginning of Wisdom which will form you to holiness, preparing you as you open your hearts to receive graces, that will ready you to become the first inhabitants of the New Jerusalem.

Be patient for I am coming soon, I will dispel the darkness of this present world, and the Trinity will be the fulfilling of every joy you have been waiting for.