2015-04-05 INRI
Do not run away from Me when you have transgressed, but to Me.
Is your sin greater than My love, too great for My forgiveness?
Evil was begun in a garden and the solution also was begun in a garden, therefore come to Me.
I came so that My Father's Will might be perfectly accomplished upon earth as it is in Heaven, I was to execute His will perfectly upon the earth.
I became your daily bread, your nourishment and in Me you would be able also to perform perfectly the Father's Will, as long as you would remain in Me.
As you can do nothing without Me, in Me you are able to forgive those who transgress against you, I empower you to do all things well.
Some among you are not receiving the full benefits of the Holy Eucharist as I have intended, you are questioning why, it is because of the lack of faith and hearts that are unreceptive to the graces being supplied.
As when I had walked the earth, many in My hometown, who thought they knew who I was, were not able to receive the healing and miracles that I had desired to give to them, My Heart was indeed saddened in this.
But to you who are increasingly seeking more of Me, I grant an abundance of blessings and grace, a consolation that steadily gives peace and joy to your heart.
You will receive healing because of My wish to form you according to the Father's plan for the world.
I am thirsting that you anticipate with a greater urgency My power and transformation in you, for each of you has been chosen by My Father in Me before the beginning of time.
And so, chosen one, do not lose your joy and peace over your every transgression, for in doing so I am rendered powerless to work in and through you.
Just as I was constrained and limited to accomplish what I could have done in Nazareth, where there was no amount of signs, sufficient to convince their unbelief, few were able to be healed, oh what sadness was in My Heart.
Will you delight Me today in praising Me, thus your joy returns and healing will be put into your hands and Mine, that together we may change the world, oh the power of prayer and praise, allow Me to empower you.
Herein lies therefore the secret of the demise of the evil one, pray the rosary and present to your Holy Mother your worries and concerns, She will free you for My use.
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