Wednesday, November 4, 2015


2015-11-04                                                                       INRI

Care for one another, and assist in saving as many souls as the Father is calling to Himself, before the time of My return has come.

Out of love and in order to do good works, for there are many needing your prayers, but first you yourselves must be strengthened in Me through the Eucharist.

My people hunger for the compassionate touch of friend or a caring individual, who with the warmth of  My love offer to shoulder some of their burden even if only to listen.

Each day come to the Cross and empty yourselves before Me, here is the place where I will be able to fill you with My love, in order that you may serve.

For without My filling you with My love, you will have nothing to give as needed, I empower you to be that reservoir without any imposition to your spirit.

I prepare you in advance and at the same time, I prepare the person in need for the meeting, which at times may be unexpected to both of you, precarious perhaps.

You are not to become anxious or to feel trepidation regarding your encounters, for they are your brothers and sisters though some may be strangers, I want to be free to work through you.

Receive now My peace that surpasses all understanding, it will be as a soothing balm for you and it will transfer to others as you minister in My Name.

I will give each of you service gifts, understanding and insight into situations, knowledge that will not be known otherwise, words of Wisdom and many varied gifts that will be necessary, receive them with thanksgiving and joy.

It will benefit you to use the language gift of the Holy Spirit, these are His words to you and inspired words to Him as He ministers to your spirit.

Use what I am giving and ask Me to reveal the root of the problem, then will the healing truly begin.

I can heal without your input, but it is My desire to use you and it will give you a satisfaction and joy that you would not otherwise experience.

I may heal you in the process and give you what you were not even aware you needed, in order that greater graces may flow to My people in readiness of My return.

Many people remain unresponsive to My call, they need to hear from you the words of My love for them, for they are basically unprepared for anything that has been foretold throughout Scripture.

They are not aware that what they suffer and the problems that ensue may be the very vehicles that draw them to Me, their Savior and their Lord.

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