Wednesday, January 25, 2017


2017-01-25                                                                INRI

It is My pleasure to pour down Divine Blessings upon an undeserving humanity, bridging Heaven and earth.

My Spirit dwells within you and is constantly at prayer, this is a gift, a grace, as you become more aware of His presence, you find a new awareness of how I would act in any given situation.

This gift is not for you alone, that you should keep it quiet and secret, but it is for the benefit of all My Mystical Body.

Each of you are fitted into what I am forming to be My Kingdom on earth, My Father looks favourably on all as He sees His Son in each of My faithful ones who await My Second Coming.

Choose consciously to live in My Joy, decide not to dwell on the negative aspects that surround your daily life, My Spirit that is in you is saddened when the evil in the world steals your peace.

Keep your eyes on Me, in this way your joy remains, charitable thoughts toward your neighbour are formed, and good works are your desire and at hand.

When you have complete confidence and trust in Me, you are able to have victory over any evil that may assail you, always have on your lips My Name, repeat it always and your tormentor will flee.

My loved ones, be humble in all that you do, knowing that you are weak in yourself, but a powerhouse in Me, I am your strength and ability to overcome.

To know and not doubt My love for you, makes you obedient to My Commands, humble in your walk,  joyful and at peace in your heart.

Humility is never low-self esteem nor self-effacement, rather it is acknowledgment of your nothingness and of My Greatness.

I had longed for and awaited the moment when I could give you Myself, instituted initially on the night before My Death, I Consecrated the Bread and Wine, to become My Body and Blood for all, that I might be united forever with you.  

Find your delight in Me as I delight in you, I am very much aware of your thoughts and emotions, especially at the banquet table when I Myself feed you.

Here you will find Heaven and earth bridged, a taste of what is to come in your eternity, joy forever.

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