Tuesday, April 11, 2017


2017-04-11                                                                                   INRI

With each new day you will have many decisions to make, some insignificant ones and others that may be life changing.

I am going to present to you in black and white, a serious picture for your spiritual vision, one that I pray will cause you to take a second look at your day.

Each one of you will construct for himself either a home on sand or one on a foundation of rock, according to whether his actions are self-centered or for others.

One foundation is on shifting sand as on a seashore, the other on solid rock, self-serving actions are building on sand, while those who will serve others for love of Me, build on the surety of their future.

Your self-actions are in themselves not bad, but they are not productive, you look upon your own weakness and not on something invincible for your goal and model.

When the tide of life rolls in as assuredly as it will, may it be sickness or trial, all that you’ve built up throughout your life may be washed away, you may be discouraged and devastated.

Your decisions to do one thing or another will matter in the end, even the mundane activities of one’s duties can be offered to the Father in the name of love, they will be bricks of stone laid upon a firm incorruptible foundation for all time.

So that when calamity strikes upon you, I will be your strength, and what you have done for others will stand as an example to all, as one who believes in the invisible God, in Whom your faith depends.

For those building on the weakness of sand, I allow that their castles may be washed away perhaps, that they may see and realize that it really matters what they say and do in their everyday life.

You all know which house you are building, and at each new moment a new decision may bring those who are on the path of destruction to revert back to Me.

Always look to Me for your strength, forget yourself and put your best efforts towards building something that will count for all eternity, only love will last.

Your time upon earth will be short even if you live to be 100, it must not be wasted nor are you to presume that in the end you will have time to convert, leave the details to Me and give Me your heart today.

Lay the first brick while on your knees, this structure will never be destroyed, for in joy I work with you, that what you build, you build with others for the unity of My Kingdom.

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