2018-03-01 INRI
I have set you apart from those who do not love, you are to be a people marked by love, My chosen ones, My Cross is set upon each of you.
Seek to trust Me more, for this will enable you to receive My Love and Mercy in a greater capacity, that you yourselves may be vessels of the same.
Learn from Me for I am Love and on this you will be judged, for only love has meaning in life.
Humble yourself, for this attracts Me greatly, I associate Myself with such souls, who are not proud, who are not independent of My grace and help.
I thus defend such souls, who love Me in this way, for no good work can compare to a person who loves Me with pure love.
Pure love is not diluted or divided by attachments to anything or anyone else, their love is not intermittent as the feelings strike their emotions or not, but is constant and progressively growing.
Sin causes love of self, you must desire to be purified, in order to possess a pure love for God, a dying to self, a surrender of your life and all its goals that will deepen and be sanctified.
Love must be directed only towards God, then will I direct My Love through you to others, in compassion, and concern for their relationship also towards Me.
Trust in My Mercy, so that I will transform you, acknowledge your nothingness, I am kind and attentive to such souls, who believe they can do nothing without Me.
Do you really know what love is, My children, look up at the Cross and see the very depth of love poured out upon you, and for you.
Gaze at Love and be open to hear as I teach you how to love, spend some meaningful moments with Me, that our relationship may deepen.
Do not be overly concerned by your trials and sufferings, for there cannot be true love without some kind of suffering which brings about a peace of which all are in need.
I have given you liberty and freedom and I await to see you eventually coming home at last
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