Thursday, July 12, 2018


2018-07-12                                                                       INRI

As I gaze on you from My Cross, always with such Love, I desire that you come to know that it was My great Love for you, that alone could hold Me there.

Know that the very depths of My Love for you compelled Me, to create a most remarkable way of remaining intimately with each of you, a Sacrifice that would be renewed daily through the hands of My Priests.

My Gift to you is the Gift of Myself, instituted on the night of My betrayal, at the Last Supper, I took in My Hands the bread and declared, this is My Body, and taking the wine, said this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant.

This is indeed food and drink for your mortal bodies, healing and life for your spiritual souls.

That you might share in My Divinity and have fellowship with Me and with one another, I am the Head and My Body, the Church.

You see, Judas had remorse, whereas Peter after his fall, had sorrow, the two are completely different.

The release from guilt can only come from My Divine Mercy, and being made ready to ask for forgiveness brings you to repentance, to sorrow.

Remorse on the other hand is guilt unrepented and without a firm purpose of amendment, instead one despairs as in the case of Judas.

Pray for unrepented sinners, especially for souls who in their final moments are dependent on your prayers and offered sacrifices.

Pray also for the conversion of the unrepented sinners, whose weaknesses and vices keep them from making spiritual progress while on earth, their lives affect many not only among their families but in the world at large.

These times in which you are now living are crucial for the graces needed, when faith in Me will be at a  minimum and persecutions a very real threat.

Come to Me, I am a fountain of Mercy for all, you were not meant to carry a burden of guilt which will destroy your life, be forgiven in My Sacrament of Reconciliation.

All have the capacity to do evil but all sinners have the capacity for doing good, when you see the potential for good in your enemy, then your thoughts are Divine and I can work through you.

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