Thursday, December 5, 2019


2019-12-05                              I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD                                  INRI

A lighted candle illuminates a darkened room, it is more visible than when a candle is lit in the daylight, where it is virtually unnoticed.

And so it shall be in this darkened world, that your light of faith will shine and it will be noticed.

It will be noticed, but will it be appreciated, not by most unfortunately, they rejected Me and so they will reject you.

Your gift of faith constitutes and stirs up anger in some, because it will be seen as intolerance towards those who will hold alternative views, negative to the Gospel, which now are readily accepted by most.

Hold fast to the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and do not waver in the face of persecution, I always remain with you especially in the most trying situations.

It will be the most difficult and emotional times, when the rejection comes from members of your own family and those you have considered your closest friends.

With so much chaos, insurrections and destruction happening around you, random murdering terrorists who are killing Christians as allegiance to Allah, one may feel despair and fear.

Remain united as the Body of Christ, you have power and strength, that if alone you would not have.

Bring comfort to the ailing sick and distressed, and in My Name bring them healing, not all healing is immediate and you should leave the fulfillment and outcome to Me, I sometimes require that some be victim souls for the conversion of the lost.

As you are awaiting My Second Coming, ask for the gift of fasting, draw near to the Blessed Mother Who has been requesting that you do so, in order that you would be made ready to meet the challenges that will be before you.

Unaware as you are, you are forewarned, this means that each one must prepare himself now, look at the Scriptures, did I not call the chosen paired animals in the time of the great flood, to come to the ark which would save them?

How much more do I care for you, are you not My chosen remnant, who will inhabit the New Jerusalem, take courage and remain united in prayer, I will be with you, have great trust in Me.

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