You do not need further instruction on what you should do or not do, the Scriptures are filled with all that you need to know, everything for your edification, yet few are searching to know them well.
The world’s influence is strong, but My own people are not unduly persuaded to go the way of the majority, the way of the crowds, that are blind and ensnared by evil, I give them the grace to recognize the Truth from the lie.
You have been given every necessary grace to combat the temptations that would lure you away from Me and away from the teachings of the Gospel.
Refuse to allow fear to enter into your hearts, this will only weaken your resolve for purity and holiness, for what defiles a person is first born in the heart.
I am always with you, but the times when you look away and are seeking selfish ambition, material possessions or other gain, you do not seek My grace of Will, but your own freewill.
When you realize the folly and vanity of it all, for at the time of temptation, one does not clearly see the situation for what it truly is, a deception, repent therefore and come back to Me, I will embrace you with more grace, perhaps more than before your fall.
These present times are creating a great anxiety among the many, for the ambiguity of the future is weighing heavily on all the inhabitants of earth, but as you cling to faith and My Promises to you, you will be comforted and assured of the assistance you are requiring.
All that you will experience and the trials that you will endure, all pass through My Hands, meaning that for your greater benefit I am allowing it all.
Never doubt My Love for each of you, to the greatest depth of My Love, your salvation is collective but above all personal, as if you were the only soul on earth I would have died for you alone.
Repeat often within yourselves, words that bring you comfort and encouragement, especially when the situations are dire, in this way when others are needing the same from you, you will be prepared.
Finally, your possessions were not given to you for selfish hoarding, they are not your own and you should view them and not hold on to them, use them for the good of others, being ready to forget self for the needs of others.
fsamjohnston.blogspot.com SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR to
Fr. Sam Johnston Irene Noordhoek INRI