Thursday, June 17, 2021


 2021-06-17                           MY PEOPLE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION                         INRI                         


Consider the price I paid for love of you, you also will pay a price for following Me, I do not want to dwell on the negative aspects regarding trials and hardships, for it will become quite apparent in a very short while.


You will speak the Truth to some who may not even want to hear it, they would prefer to remain in the darkness of their sin, yet, I have called you to testify on their behalf, for they may yet come to believe in My Love for them, given a chance through your efforts to convert them.


I have asked you to love your enemies, those who will hate and persecute you, all because of your love for Me, your own families may alienate you, even a loss of friends may occur, but I will replace friends with new and more meaningful friendships.


For those who have a relationship with Me, I will hold close to My Heart, and the Holy Spirit will give them special gifts, to serve the Church and the Will of the Father, just as I served Him on earth.


The humble ones will hear My Voice, they are attentive and listen, I am gentle and give directives to be followed at My requestI may give them assignments that will delight their spirits and souls as they complete them, for I hold each of My people tenderly, I know them well, all for the Glory of God.


They are not fearful, as many are in the world today, they encourage one another and unite to be strong, slowly the world is being drawn into Communism, I created you to be free, but you will not even be allowed to pray, this will be against the policy of the One World Order Government, now being formed.


I have a peace that the world cannot give, this will be for My people, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they will mount to high places in safety, loved by those in My Body, they will once again enjoy the freedom and joy that I gained for them.


In order for you to help others as they go through hardships and trials, for I allow this to strengthen them in their resolve to follow Me, thus I may ask that you be inconvenienced by what I will ask of you.


I am the God of all Power, you can depend on Me to answer your call whenever you are in distress, 

I am always near, and I am never occupied with anything else but what concerns you.

                                            SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR to

     Fr. Sam Johnston                                                          Irene Noordhoek       INRI


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