Friday, April 8, 2022


 2022-02-03                                        THE NEED IS GREAT                                               INRI


Who is to lead My people, the Nations, who indeed will bring them My Word, My Strength?


Do you now feel the urgency that I have placed upon you, My faithful ones, to tell others about the hope that is in you, the hope that many of the people do not have in God.


There will be no fear in you, for I will empower you for the mission at hand, you will have courage because of your trust in Me, I am forever faithful to those who trust in Me.


It will not matter how treacherous or dangerous the road ahead might be, for your eyes are constantly on Me, I am your strength and shield, in faith you comply.


With all that you will need, I bless you and enable the weak to become strong, you will be fearless in the face of the enemy, I will be with you to instruct your very next step and wise move.


The Holy Spirit will instruct you when chaos and confusion threaten to incite fear and doubt in you, He will breathe in you thoughts that are holy, that you may act according to My Will.


When I require you to act in the mission at hand, you will feel a peace that you will recognize as My presence with you and in you, listen to My Words to you at this time, it is important to the life and salvation perhaps of another.


The ordeal that has encompassed the world has really just begun, but it must proceed because of the outcome that is to follow, do not become angry nor discouraged at all that is transpiring around you, see in the Scriptures, just how I Myself handled problems that arose when I walked among you on earth.


Be at peace knowing that I still control all and that in the end I will put your enemies, every ruler, authority and power under My Feet.


The last enemy to be destroyed is death, pray more, pray with sincerity of heart, these are the prayers and sentiments that reach My Heart instantly.


The power and grace of My assurance is flowing in and through you continually until such time that you begin to engage with anxiety in your heart, opposing the faith that created peace within you.                                SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR to

     Fr. Sam Johnston                                            Irene Noordhoek      INRI


O'Brien Insurance Agency said...

Michael. Thank you for posting this. Just what I needed. May Father Sam be cheering us on!

Michael Brandon said...

Wonderful. A woman I trust sent me a note saying she thought the Lord wanted this reposted. I agreed as after I read it I felt it was timely today, as it was originally.

I believe we can ask Father Sam for his intercession, and one other particular woman gave her brother, who has serious cancer, a rosary she had from Father Sam, and prayed for him.

Today, my wife was having some difficulty, and I anointed her with holy Father Sam had given me, and prayed with her.

He’s no longer retired, but the benefits are out of this world.

