Thursday, September 6, 2018


2018-09-06                                                                                                  INRI

I taught in parables, stories that everyone could relate to, but even My Apostles did not always grasp the meaning, they were to be My instruments of evangelization, yet I needed to explain the Truths of Salvation, that were presented as life lessons.

Whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it, I want you to know and understand this, it may be today the pivotal point bringing you to new life.

Yes, ultimately your martyrdom for My sake would be the highest extreme of dying to self, but the accepting of My Will daily, trusting that I will take care of every instance and circumstance is what I desire for you.

All done for the right reasons, not grudgingly but with selfless love, for I give this grace to those who are willing to act for love of Me, do not leave what you could do to be done by someone else.

It may be that you have seen a need and have volunteered, or you may have been asked to participate in a venue that is clearly out of your comfort zone, yet for love of Me you willing give up your time and energy to act for love of Me.

Counseling or comforting another, again at first this may be a little uncomfortable, yet for love of Me, you give yourself, so that others may receive My healing touch, I want you to be blessed in this work as well, I bless you because as you did it to the least of your brethren you did it to Me.

I will hear the cry of your heart for the needs of others, and if you will allow, may I send you to act in response, I will inspire your words and lead you to act as is needed in My perfect plan for healing.

I am at this time shaking My Church, preserving the innocent and healing the abused, any evil element and that which impedes the progress of holiness in My Bride the Church, which is being cleansed will be dealt with.

I have said that the meek and humble will inherit the earth, but that does not in any way mean that you My Remnant will sit idly by waiting for My return.

Yes, you will wait for My Great Return but in the meantime, My servants will be at work, preparing the people for My Coming, each of you must feel the urgency of this call to stand up for holiness and justice.

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