Do not remain silent when the perfect opportunity arises to defend your faith, nor your trust in Me.
There is a time to remain silent, and you will know in your spirit, when to wait for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, this may be important, for the salvation of that person who stands before you at the moment.
But for you to be in accord with Me in the power of the Holy Spirit, you must first be in a state of grace through repentance.
Being in the state of grace, allows your spiritual ears to be open to hearing, what you are to do or say, even to wait further perhaps, or if to proceed at all at this time.
Some of you are confused and anxious about doing My Will,...... occasionally I may ask something heroic of you, but most of the time I require you to live your lives, to the best of your ability, any necessary changes to what you intend to do or are doing, I will arrange in a way that you will readily understand.
During this time in Church history, religion itself is being attacked and made to look insignificant in the way that the world is proceeding, My faithful need not worry, I am still in control of all the earth.
TRUST IN ME this will be the way that will enable you to maintain peace in your hearts, the world today is a vast maze, and through it all you are being made to conform to regulations, assigned by governing forces, that are threatening your freedom more and more each day.
You are always and forever Mine, I will not allow you to be lost amidst the throngs of peoples, who are frightened and anxious concerning their very lives, they are not trusting in God whatsoever.
They have put their trust in those who are untrustworthy, they at first appear to be legitimately concerned for the people, but ultimately self-interests, selfish ambitions, will not be their saving grace.
My Kingdom belongs to those who will follow Me throughout their lives, enduring all hardships until the end, not one letter or stroke of My Law will be abolished by anyone governing you upon the earth.
I must be first in your life, the path that I put you on, which the Blessed Mother is keeping you most reliably upon, this is the way that leads you to your eternal inheritance, it is your safe-conduct home.
Do not live in fear, but have peace of heart, I am a forgiving God, meek and humble of Heart, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, do not hesitate to approach the Throne of Grace.
frsamjohnston.blogspot.com Fr. Sam Johnston