Are you aware, that of all I have created, it is you who bring Me joy, I desire that you, by the words you speak and by your actions, that you proclaim your love for Me.
The Holy Spirit is coming to illuminate the conscience of every person above the age of reason, upon the earth, to enlighten them in their blindness to sin, which is leading them ultimately to the loss of their Heavenly inheritance.
The illumination of conscience is meant to bring many to conversion, the salvation of nations and their loyalty to God, has long been slipping further and further from the Truth into the deception of sin.
I am pleased when you contemplate Me and that you lift your thoughts from the sadness of sorrow and anxiety and rise into the joy of thanksgiving and worship.
Your lives will either change in a deeper conviction for the good and be fully engaged in the work therein.
Or you will utterly reject what the Spirit is showing you, falling into despair, but some will blatantly continue and resume the sin or in worse defiance, choose to follow the evil one to their destruction.
This decision will be for one way or the other, you will no longer be undecided, the lukewarm believers will be made to choose the road that they will travel toward a greater good or for evil.
A person will be headed toward Heaven or Hell, this will be the time to decide, if you have not already done so, many of My faithful have begun to correct the path that was leading them astray, you will be able to help your fellowman along the way that will lead to Me.
Just as the Prodigal Son realized his personal loss of dignity in his family, which he had never valued before he left, his return home was welcomed by his loving father.
His father awaited his return in joy and in anticipation of reinstating his son with full status as his son once again, even though the son was undeserving of such forgiveness and love.
Does this parable not resonate with you, even to some degree at least, the Father and I long to welcome back into the fold all of the erring brothers and sisters who have strayed.
Your dignity in the family of God, as a son or daughter, notwithstanding, is yours through your Baptism in Christ, your citizenship is in Heaven, your eternal destination.
I am constantly roaming the earth in search of the lost sheep, I hear their unceasing cry for help, they are caught in the error of sin, I want to rescue them, will you help Me?
frsamjohnston.blogspot.com Fr. Sam Johnston