Indeed, it is a matter of faith in the Son of God, Who was sent to redeem mankind from their sins.
You need not be afraid of what is unknown to you at this time, the powers that be are trying to convince all to fear in order to control you, you are to stay on the narrow path, doing what you know is right.
The Blessed Mother Mary will guide you in the next steps to be taken, She is God’s instrument, Most Holy, assigned and given to you, for the good of the world at the end of the age.
Just as the Centurion had great faith in Me and sent for Me to come and heal his valued servant, humbly acknowledging that I need only say the Word, and that it would be done, I herald his faith, so you must abandon self-preservation, trusting completely in Me, oh, how I will bless you.
My Eyes never leave you, do you know just how precious you are in My Sight, as you come to realize this, your faith and trust in Me increase and you will act accordingly, now enabled to forget self.
Looking to the needs of others, you will be following My example which I left for you, I demonstrated selflessness in the greatest way, do likewise for love of Me, in love with Me.
This is the Will of God, with every grace which is made available for you to accomplish everything, you will do well to humble yourself before Me, I grant bountiful mercy to all who will call for help.
Do not concern yourself with everything that is going on in the world, for this will be My concern, you have today before you, to do only what has been allotted for you to do, I ask only your best efforts to do it well.
Pray always, asking to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, this will be your power and give you peace, which is so important today, in order that your mission may be completed in the time you have been given.
These are My instructions to you, stay in the Scriptures, to gain the encouragement and comfort that you will need each day, I am by your side you are not to be troubled nor afraid of anything.
Look to the lives of the Saints that have gone before you, let them spur you on to greater heights in humility and faith, they intercede for you, may your love for those who are in the Heavenly places be your encouragement.
frsamjohnston.blogspot.com SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR to
Fr. Sam Johnston Irene Noordhoek INRI