Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 The Gravity of the Situation 

April 7, 2021 7:17 am

My children, you do not grasp the gravity of the situation you are in.  It is time for you to wake up, and turn your hearts completely to me.

You have been lulled to sleep over many years by the slow escalation of hatred for Me.  The elites of your world have been slowly and methodically reining in the people of the world, as they seek to establish a new world order with satan as its head.

If the world were to end this night, many of your loved ones, and even some of you who read these words would be lost.  Satan’s ultimate goal is to take as many of you to hell with him as he can. 

Destroying those God loves is his only source of victory. You must cease cooperating with his nefarious plans for your destruction.  

My Son died on the cross to set you free from sin and death.  Yet, in these times sin is abounding as at no time ever in history.

But, it was in His Resurrection that His victory was completed.  Abandon yourself to Him, who died and rose for you personally.  

You are being fed a steady diet of disinformation and misinformation by the media and by the idle talk even among you and members of your own family.

Keep your eyes fixed on Him, and on the Cross through which He won the victory for you.

Pray with all your hearts.  Those who have gone before you have been given beautiful prayers that have been passed down and on to you.  These prayers are just words if rushed through, but fill your souls with Grace when prayed slowly and meditatively.

If you pray the prayer Jesus gave you with your heart, you can never plumb its depths.  If you meditate daily on the Holy Rosary that your mother gave to you, you can grow in holiness and away from the distractions of this world.

If you only knew how much your prayers mean for the salvation of loved ones, and for others who so desperately are in need of prayer to be saved from the fires of hell, would you pray more and with greater fervor?

I call on you to pray without ceasing.  Soothe my aching heart.  Every child of mine who is lost to hellfire causes Me agony.

Pray! Pray! Pray!

This message has come through another person under spiritual direction with Fr. Sam Johnston.

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