Thursday, October 28, 2021


 2021-10-28                              YOU MUST BE BORN FROM ABOVE                               INRI                   


Very truly I tell you no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and spirit.......

you must be born from above.


I came to the earth that you may have eternal life through Me, the Father did not spare His only begotten Son, but gave Him up to save you.


Through your Baptism you first received the Spirit of God, making you, along with Me an heir of Heaven.


But you, yourself of your own free will, must choose to follow Me, some profess to be a follower, but ultimately follow their own designs, the world holds too many interesting or worrisome problems to contend with, that they do not have time for Me.


They give Me lip service in prayer, but their hearts are not in tune with Mine, oh how I would desire to remedy this, I wait eagerly to fulfill the desires of their hearts which most of the time are far from Me.


You should be acquainted in this life with the ways of Heaven, the language of love is always present, praise and gratitude, songs that fill the soul are offered to the Trinity, I want to prepare you to be a citizen of your eternal reward.


Strive to become saints, live as children of God because that is what you are, and do not be overwhelmed by what is happening now or possibly will happen in the world in which you now live.


I know very well that you may not be conscious of the devil’s influence on your life, but I have died on the Cross that has freed you from the bondage of sin, remember this often for the Cross will be the key to living your new life in Me.


Invoke My Holy Spirit, He will open your eyes and help you to live His Love in all your dealings, He will enlighten you to the life you were meant to live.


Learn and live in the ways of Heaven, you as My faithful servants will be welcomed as such at the end of your time on earth, do not waste this precious opportunity, for graces are being given as at no other time in history.


Your acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s help and direction, will open up doors to save many that the devil had already deemed as his, you will snatch them back into My Kingdom, as I bless and multiply your every effort to serve Me for the sake of your brothers and sisters.

                          SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

    Fr. Sam Johnston                                       to Irene Noordhoek   INRI


Thursday, October 21, 2021


 2021-10-21                       THE DARKNESS SHALL NOT PREVAIL                                       INRI                                                                                                                                     


My children, once you were darkness but now you are light, live as children of light.


What will ultimately remain, may be but a handful of faithful, a mere remnant of peoples, who are dedicated to the Apostolic Faith and Traditions of the Church I Myself founded.


The true faith must be reinstated in a more pure, holy and genuine faith, simplified and joy filled, rich in the love therein.


Evil will not prevail and those who are persecuted must now remain strong, uniting with one another in order to overcome temptations, which are so prevalent when one becomes vulnerable in the face of discouragement and attacks.


Seek to do the things that are pleasing to God, I am giving you graces, so that you will act always in a loving way, even when insulted or when accused and viewed in a negative way by family and friends.


Be mindful that nothing is happening on the earth or in your life, that I have not consented to, even if you cannot understand My actions, believe that I will make each situation the “best” for your eternity.


My Wisdom is sure, therefore trust in Me to bring out of your life’s circumstances glory for the Kingdom, which was promised for all who would believe in Me.


You will sing Psalms and spiritual songs among yourselves, together your spirits will be lifted and united with My Holy Spirit, all of Heaven rejoicing, your Angels joyful, as you bring Our Father the gratitude He deserves. 


Those in charge who are prohibiting your songs and praises to Me will not be able to take away your faith, which will only become stronger as they continue to try to take you away from Me, I will still see your hearts that long to embrace Me.


Grace upon grace I pour down on all My poor children, who are being saddened by having the gifts and privileges, which I have given to them be senselessly taken away, do not retaliate for I Myself will repay them who cause you to be disheartened, but remain with Me in the silence of your hearts.


Thus the darkness shall not prevail, for I am sending you to be light in the world, where so much darkness threatens to envelope unsuspecting and careless souls, who are preoccupied with fear of sickness.


I alone will be your fulfillment, the longing within shall be satisfied, seek patience as your predominant virtue, for My Father’s plan for salvation is unfolding according to His long awaited schedule.
                                    SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

       Fr. Sam Johnston                                              to Irene Noordhoek        INRI

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 2021-10-14                                     KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME                                                INRI                                                                                                                                 


I freed you from the fear of death, from the slavery to sin, and made you to be with Me, heirs of Heaven.


It is therefore, when you remove your eyes from Me, placing your sights on creatures and the love of monetary gain, that you allow yourselves to be placed in the territory of sin.


But when a person has his mind, heart and will fixed on Me, as the primary source of his love, then I transform him and form virtues in him and give every grace, that he may grow even more.


With those who have immersed themselves in the world, investing all their time and energy in self gain, the first thing must be repentance, in order to cleanse the soul, I need only to see a sincere desire from such a soul, and I pour many saving graces for their salvation.


Those who are Mine will suffer, this is My gift to you, uniting your small and great pains with My Passion, this will save many souls, that will be accounted to your benefit and glory.


The world must see your joy, how can you say that you follow Me and be sad, worried, discouraged, this is not from Me, I am so close to you, indeed I am in you, may you reflect My Joy that I have in loving you.


Keeping your eyes on Me, you will be able to have words and deeds that demonstrate Christian love, this is what I desire from you.


Do spend time before Me in Adoration, you will experience peace as you realize that I am there just for you, for you cannot outdo My generosity to you, tell Me your desires for the future, and relate to Me all your troubles and I will comfort you.


Remember how Peter, getting out of the boat, wanted to join Me walking on the water, he was doing fine, until he took his eyes off of Me and as he began to sink, he cried out for My help, he momentarily began to doubt.


You may not ever desire to walk on water, but I may have a mission for you that would require that your eyes be fixed firmly on Me, that is in order that the task at hand may be accomplished successfully.


Daily surrender yourselves to Me, tell Me how you cannot do anything without My help and I will do it, there is nothing to fear if you will put your trust in the One Who Loves you and died loving you.                                           SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR

    Fr. Sam Johnston                                                        to   Irene Noordhoek    INRI

Thursday, October 7, 2021


 2021-10-07                          RECEIVING MY MERCY AND GRACE                                       INRI                                                                                                                                         


It is God, Who is at work in you, do you not realize that when I created you, that I breathed My Divine Life into you?


How incredible is it that you received life, not by a chance of nature, but by the very Breath of God Himself.


Consider your Baptism, how you were received into the family of God, reborn by water and the Spirit for Salvation and new life into Christ.


I have come to you today to give you a new hope, to enliven anew your belief in Me, for these are dangerous and evil times, threatening to shake the faith of even staunch believers.


Rejoice My people, for you are not of the world, the sincerity of your hearts is known to Me, though the storm rages about you presently, just as the frightened Apostles feared that their boat be overwhelmed on the stormy sea.


When I rescued them, for what reason did I chastise them, it was for their lack of faith in Me, and you also, do you not receive Me in the Sacraments, are you doubting My very presence in you today and always?


Therefore, since you have died to self, and you have been Crucified with Me, should you not now be living as though I were acting in and through you, do not be anxious for yourselves but concern yourselves for the well being of others, your loved ones and your fellowman.


Remain in prayer, this is how you will connect with Me, I hear your every prayer, pray in the belief that I will answer your requests, for I give consideration to the needs of everyone who prays sincerely to Me.


For you are now enduring so many evil deceptions which are being propagated against you as a means to control the world, many are dying, others are sick and the saving vaccines are but an illusion, with the murder of the most helpless children in the womb, and the lies being taught to the school aged children, the cup of wrath overflows, chastisements must proceed.


Your peace and freedom are in jeopardy, for your faith is in need of being strengthened, doubts and stress invade your minds, listen to your Guardian Angels, as they remind you to pray “Jesus I trust in You,” pray this often for with this you are calling on Me for help, and I will take care of everything.


You are all Mine, and what you do now matters, especially because as My representatives, you act in My Name, obtain the plentiful graces and My Mercy, your prayers are heard and your requests are all taken in consideration of these troubled times, trust in Me.
                                            SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR 

      Fr. Sam Johnston                                                      to   Irene Noordhoek    INRI