Thursday, September 5, 2019


2019-09-05                                                                                             INRI

Just why have I given you the Church and the Sacrifice of the Mass?

I nourish you with My very Self, and as you gather in community in My Name, you grow in spiritual maturity.

Without My Body and Blood within you, you have no life, no power to turn from temptation, I give you My Spirit, for the human spirit is worthless against the evils in the world.

At the Mass, you have forgiveness of sins, that is sin that is not mortal, the Sacrament of Reconciliation brings you back into the friendship of God and the family into which you were Baptized.

Do not let yourselves fall into discouragement, putting yourself down, but seek forgiveness when in searching your conscience, you become aware of a pattern of negativity and against love.

I am the High Priest at every Mass, when you see your priest at the Altar, he is My Representative, in his vocation giving himself up to Me and in turn to you, in order that I may come upon your Altar.

He could have chosen an easier way through life, but none more rewarding, since he is responding to My Call, I chose him for this special honour, know truly that I have called each of you by name for a life dedicated in serving others in My Name.

Yes, you receive Me in the Eucharist, but this is not an automatic ticket to Eternal Life, you must pattern your life after Me in holiness and in doing good to others.

Throughout each day, I arrange opportunities for your successful growth to spiritual maturity, graces abound at all times in every situation that you may find yourselves in, so that you may respond in love.

The more that you become aware of My presence within you, the more you will avail yourselves of these graces to love one another.

Humility looks to allow others the place where yesterday, you would have occupied it yourselves.

Do you question whether you should eat today, or just skip it, your stomach will let you know the answer, it would not take too long.

So must you receive Me in Eucharist, without Me you can do nothing, I Myself nourish you with all that you will need, for I desire your greatest success, even more than you do, in this your earthly pilgrimage.

Do not let yourselves grow hungry, for I hunger for you.

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