2019-09-19 INRI
There is no time like the present, for you to bring to Me your need, some have desperately been trying to solve their problems on their own.
Why do you try to exhaust every avenue before coming to the One Who has all the answers?
For such a long time, I have tried to impress upon My people, building a faith and trust that would carry them into the coming events that I have planned, to renew the world.
My problem with you is that you pray with a certain outcome to your problem already in mind, this is not always how I will decide the answer, you must be open to all possibilities and leave it to Me.
Some have already experienced letting Me be One Who chooses the end results of their prayer, they must witness to the ones who are doubting that I will solve their dilemma.
Witnessing encourages the timid, who are not courageous, the unbelievers, who are thinking that their prayers are never or seldom heard by Me, and those who are skeptical.
When the time comes for you to move or to remain, there will be no time for the undecided to be floundering when they should go, when the directive is “go now”.
You who believe will be shown what to do and where and when to go, your Guardian Angels, in the form of a flame, that only you will see, they will lead you to the place of safety.
In this present time, I am allowing trials and situations of every kind, to increase your faith and trust in Me, welcome these unwanted interruptions, knowing in advance that they are for your formation.
What parent would not prepare his children in foreseeing coming disasters, to ready them as he can.
But you will not fear or worry the coming events, for I have made provision for all in the manner towhich I have decided before hand, for it has already begun to take place.
When you pray, speak only from the depths of your heart, I already know what you need, but you yourself are the one who needs to put into your heart sentiments of praise and requests to Me.
You are not quite aware of your capabilities to be heroic martyrs, but I have already found them in you.
Look now into My Heart and see there My Love for you, then in seeing how much I love you, then and only then will you be able to love others as I have commanded you to do, for now take refuge in the shelter of My Heart.
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