Thursday, June 25, 2020


2020-06-25           REMAIN STEADFAST IN MY LOVE           INRI

The time that is remaining is at a premium, do not waste any of it.

My warning is a gift to all who will at this time be listening, and who are willing to give Me their thoughts in prayer and consider what is being presented to them in preparation for the Illumination.

For My Spirit will guide you in the next steps to take, I am trusting in you not to be afraid, but to be examples of faith and courage for others.

You are My chosen ones who are being fed in the Holy Eucharist, not all will be called to be martyred but the Holy Eucharist will prepare you for whatever you will be called to, whether great or small.

Therefore be steadfast in your faith in Me, when they observe your peace and calm disposition, it will encourage others in this same way, that is, not to become discouraged but to believe in the One Who Saves.

The Father’s plan to purify the world is sure, and necessary, since the world has relied more and more on the prince of darkness to lead them, forgetting the God Who created them all.

As I am in each Tabernacle in the Church, so I want to remain in you, directing you all in My Will, but the evil one would have you distracted by many things, so that prayer becomes a burden.

I cannot allow the world to go on as it is, or become progressively worse as more time passes, many souls are continuing to be lost, some of your children don’t even know Me, they don’t see the need.

Satan wants only to destroy, he flaunts the fall of many lost souls in the Face of God, as trophies, he will not have done sufficient damage until he has destroyed everything and everyone, created to inhabit the earth, under the leadership of a loving God.

It will be difficult to do, but to keep one’s mind and heart on the things of God, will bring you to a place that will produce the peace you seek within, with the help of the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, all will be accomplished well in each soul.

Do not make the same mistake as My people I saved from slavery in Egypt, while in the desert, they did not find that the manna from Heaven was enough to satisfy them, they complained and were ungrateful for all that they received, they did not enter the Promised Land as a result.

My hope and trust is in you, My faithful people, the Eucharist will be your strength for all that you will encounter, believe, and remain in My steadfast love, for each of you are more precious to Me than you can possibly imagine, I am depending on your cooperation.

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