Thursday, November 7, 2019


2019-11-07                              MY REMNANT WILL LIVE A NEW LIFE                              INRI

Though My people have been disobedient, though they have trampled My Laws and Decrees, I will spare a remnant of people that I am today preparing to live a new and prosperous life.

They will not have lying lips, nor will they defraud their neighbour, they will care for one another with My Law and My Love in their hearts.

Who are they who are being prepared by the Lord of Lords, they are the ones who today are trusting in Me to form them, even in these troubling times, they forsake pleasures and deny themselves for My sake.

They present themselves at My Altar and I feed them with My very Self, that their faith may mature and grow daily stronger, and bring others into My Kingdom by their example.

In trusting Me, they have overcome fears and lethargy that has threatened to render them all into inactivity, which would make them useless to Me in the cause for Salvation, especially in their families.

At times there may be overwhelming fears as you see the evil in the world, even as you will see that corruption will have entered into My Church.

Satan has spread his influence everywhere, the good is now seen as bad, and what is bad seen as good, new technologies have taken over and no one pays any attention to each other, only vain, useless facts and frivolous communications are seen as necessity.

Especially the youth, are vulnerable finding that they cannot live without the latest technologies, which immobilize them who find that they are indispensable in their lives, God is not thought of if at all.

I will not hold your transgressions against you, for the evil one has indeed blinded many who I am now forming, ready to inhabit the New Jerusalem.

I will reign as Lord and there will be peace and security, unity and harmony will exist and no deceitful nor violent persons shall inhabit this place.

I will call you by name, you who are trusting Me, and your task to follow Me will seem simple, as if you were just along for the ride, your obedience to Me will bring you to victory by graces supplied.

At certain times, My Holy Spirit will be made known to you, you will sense His Presence in you, it may be a time when you will be called to martyrdom, or to a great faith in an act of courage.

Live your life today as if it were your last day, I am wanting to accomplish much through your obedient life that you are giving to Me, be attentive to the times for much evil prevails, I will protect you.

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