Thursday, January 30, 2020


2020-01-30                               BEFORE THE FINAL DAY OF JUDGMENT                         INRI

There is coming for all peoples a final day of judgment, but at this time it is the end of an era and not the end of the world, choose to repent now, come to Me in humility and sorrow for your sins.

To save the world, I am giving to all the gift of Illumination of Conscience, My Second Coming, that they may have an opportunity for forgiveness and for conversion, that is before I come as Judge.

Many will come to a realization of the Truth, that they had previously refused to believe, they will be given a chance within a short period of time to repent and come to conversion.

My Mercy is for all for their redemption, even the faithful will benefit and they will become firm in their Faith, there will be some who will refuse to believe even in seeing the Great Sign in the sky.

All will see how their sin affected the lives of others, especially within their family and acquaintances.

The Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation are available even now in preparation for these coming events, and later when many will be repenting of their lives of slavery to sin.

Those in the state of mortal sin will see the place where they would go for all eternity if they should die at this time, pray for these souls, pray that they may not despair but that they be willing to convert.

My faithful followers, I am fortifying you now in preparation for these coming events which are soon to take place, you will be a means of saving the lost, many will be overcome with grief and sorrow.

This is a time of saving grace for all, I am Merciful and Good, making possible a means for the multitudes who in their lives, have not found it necessary to even acknowledge Me as their God.

They have not thought of their future home in eternity, therefore a pervasive darkness has spread over all the world, soon a Great Sign will appear in the darkened sky.

A Cross with the Son of God, Victorious and Brilliantly Shining as the sun, with Light streaming from where the Nails of the Crucifixion pierced My Hands and Feet, I will appear in the sky, illuminating the consciences of every human being on the earth.  

Today as you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, it is a foretaste of Heaven Itself, look at the Host being raised, I am looking at you as you look at Me, and I see all your life at once, I am coming to dine with you today and My desire is to remain with you forever.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


2020-01-23                               IN PREPARATION FOR TRANSFORMATION                        INRI

The Church will be cleansed by the blood of her Martyrs, Satan will first and foremost go after the priesthood.

Offer to Me sacrifices, selflessly giving of yourselves for the salvation of others, without this many will perish, they will not have prepared for this time of trial and chastisements.

You are not to ask Me only for a few people that you dearly care for, no, but ask Me for the conversion of the world, and to realize the dire times that they are in, many are oblivious to the coming disasters.

Even now, the elect are refusing to recognize the urgency of this call to salvation, My warning to the nations is a grace, it is a great grace to all who call themselves Christians to pray for those who are not yet believers.

My Covenant promise was to all who would obey My Commandments, I have never left them, but they for all intents and purposes, they have left Me behind.

My Mother Mary will be your Ark of safety, a refuge and place of security, She will guide you in the way you should go, be attentive to Her words, and you will have peace in your hearts.

Today you must examine your lives before the Illumination of Conscience, confess with sincerity to My priests, they represent Me in the Confessional, it may be difficult to find a confessor for those who wait much longer.

Don’t be afraid, you who are My Faithful Followers, prepare yourselves as I have advised and pray making sacrifices for others, the remaining time is short but use every opportunity to help those in need.

Those who are in denial are the ones to be pitied, they have not utilized the given time of preparation for their transformation, but My graces for them are within the prayers that you may offer for them.

Invoke My Divine Mercy for these and for all the world, I love all and desire them to be saved, many evil spirits are presently roaming the world seeking any unguarded souls that they may find.

Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you regarding the state of your soul, you may not be aware of the very presence of sin hiding within, of which you may have become accustomed to.

My greatest gift to humanity was My Eucharistic Presence remaining in your Tabernacles of the world, open your hearts and I will make you conscious of just how close I am, then you will become aware of the beauty of your own soul because of My Presence there.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


2020-01-16                                         PRIOR TO MY RETURN                                       INRI

Blessed are you who have not seen, yet have believed, hold with great faith to the Truth.

I choose the simple and ordinary people, so that you will know without a doubt, that it is not you but I, Who Am allowing you to go forward in the mission that has been given to you for the conversion of souls.

All are called to be saints, some have been given extraordinary manifestations and revelations, no one is deserving of the manifold graces that are being lavished on them, in preparation to inhabit the New Heavens and New Earth.

You are blessed who believe without having seen the Heavenly Angels and Saints that are assisting you in My plans for your well being and not for your destruction.

The Sacraments are a necessary and marvelous means for your obtaining graces, these gifts are a very effective way that I come to you in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in which I remain with you.

When you open your heart to Me, I enter in, when you praise and thank Me, I reveal Myself in a deeper and closer relationship with you, revealing the depths of sin within and leading you to new repentance.

And so you find the joy that you have longed for, request from Me the needs of those who have asked for your prayers, within this joy you find a new compassion for your fellowman, I hear every request, they will be answered according to the Father’s Will and timing.

Therefore before My Second Coming, I commission all who are hearing this, to pray for the conversion of My Jewish People, it is time for them to recognize Me as their Messiah, pray and do penance for them, that there will be mass conversions of the Jewish Brethren to Catholicism.

You will have in your lifetime trials and sufferings, united to the Sufferings and Death that I endured for your Redemption, this will be in reparation for the sins of the world.

Even in the midst of your pain and agony, you can experience your greatest joy when it is united in conjunction with the Passion of My Cross and Resurrection.

This joy is a mystery that the Saints have discovered in having a deep abiding love for Me, I desire this also for each one, with amazement and ultimate joy, for My Love for you is eternal.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


2020-01-06                      THE CROSS HAS BECOME THE TREE OF LIFE                INRI

Since Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of the tree that God had forbidden them to eat, death entered the world, but when the Father sent Me, His only begotten Son, the Cross became the Tree of Life.

I have overcome death for humanity, when you come in repentance to the Cross, I give you new life.

In coming to Me, you find a new joy, peace dwells in your heart and you then have a greater resignation to make Me the center of your life, I long for this in each life.

Thus, you no longer feel drawn towards the sins that previously have ensnared you, your priorities have changed, you are seeking more fervently to do My Will and not your own. 

Indeed, to be able to give Me your life is a great grace given to those who ask it of Me, this grace is unsurpassed in attaining your eternal reward in Heaven.

The parable of the rich young man, who was seeking eternal life, could not see himself following Me, by selling all his possessions, which were many for he was thinking of how this would affect his life now.

Many walk the path of destruction, they think that all is well with them and all those that accompany them, the road is smooth and enjoyable, how could this be wrong?

Yet, I tell you seek the narrow gate, the path less traveled, strewn with difficulties and hardships, often you will feel very much alone in your journey, weary in your striving to finally reach home.

At this time, it is vital for you to make good decisions in everything that you may discern, the Holy Spirit is available that you may not be mistaken, you will actually be given the facts you need to know.

I have set you apart, though you see thousands in the world going the way which will be most accepted, most popular, you will go against them in light of the Truth.

You must not be swayed by those whose hidden agenda is clearly against Me, you have been given a wisdom that will allow you to choose rightly and not one that is wrong and easily convenient.

At times you will be instructed to blindly follow what I say, I am presently building your trust in Me, when people become unruly and in selfishness are against one another, I send you to bring My Peace.

Take the Scriptures often in hand and place My Promises within your heart, they will bring you the security, direction, and comfort that you will need.

Gather in My Name, where there are two or more agreeing on anything according to His Will, My Father will grant that request, hold fast to My Words.

Friday, January 3, 2020


2020-01-03                                    A MATTER OF INDIFFERENCE                                   INRI

My people, I have given to you the gift of time, there is no time in eternity, and for My purposes and for your salvation, I created time.

This world as you now know it is passing away, and to those who honour, serve, and reverence Me, I give the eternal reward of Salvation.

The evil one has sown indifference in the world, many offend Me by this indifference, especially the ones I have favoured with great graces and blessings.

have been given the place of least importance in their busy chaotic lives, entertainment and their striving to gain greater standing among their peers, is the driving force behind most of their thinking.

Therefore I am depending on you who are My Faithful, you who are enduring much confusion and trials of every kind in this present time, I am with you and make Myself felt in tangible ways to help you.

I want to give you My Peace, let your tears reveal to Me your sincerity in wanting to serve well your brothers and sisters, I know your needs, but you are in need of telling Me everything that concerns you.

Your Angel sees Me, ask for the faith to see as he sees, he has been given graces to help you in this journey home, Michael the Archangel, is especially prepared to assist all who call to him.

I chose you before the earth was made, to be with Me in Eternity, I have put My Faith in you, and so there is a work that you are to do in this world, a work that I have prepared for you to do in a selfless spirit.

Because of the responsibility given to each of you, you are to have complete trust in Me, alone you are without power, but you have been given great and powerful weapons, so that you may be fearless in the confrontation.

I am Trustworthy, make up your mind not to fail in the quest set before you, with complete confidencein Me you will be courageous no matter what the circumstances are before you.

While still in his mother’s womb, John the Baptist received My visit, as My Mother came to Elizabeth, while carrying The Savior of The World, John received My Holy Spirit.

You receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, the power is now within you, go to the people of indifference, their offenses are an abomination to Me, I am enthroned upon your Altar as your King.