Thursday, May 7, 2020


2020-05-07             DRAW NEAR TO MY HEART            INRI

It is because of My Merciful Love, that you are now enduring this trial, it is a time that I have set you apart, a time for you to reflect upon your lives, this is not a time for fear but for reflection.

Repentance is what I seek for each one, Satan would have you looking at everything else but interiorly, he is the prince of lies, fear is only one of his strategies, whereas peace and joy come with trusting Me.

Sin has a momentary sense of exultation, feelings are exhilarated, only after does one come crashing down, every time you fall for the false promise that never comes true.

With this chastisement, I want you to see its validity, see My Mercy and in seeing My Love in this, give Me praise and thanksgiving, this will bring you to your knees, in repentance, I will forgive, and to whom much is forgiven, that one loves much in return.

Today the world has exchanged My Truth for uncleanliness, every kind of evil has been accepted, permitted and taught to the innocence of children, My Heart is wounded and reparation is demanded.

Shall I turn My Eyes away and not see into the hearts of My people, who are being affected each day by the evil around them, they are inundated by falsehoods being presented as truth, and the media has no room for God in any of all that is happening.

I want to be your refuge, when I first instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, I could foresee all the Sacrileges, and abominations that would occur, hence I consumed every Host that would ever be Consecrated upon your Altars of the world for all time.

Therefore, each Consecrated Host would receive the deserving Majesty and Dignity appropriate to the Sacrament, how else would I nourish My people safely and with all that Heaven requires.

Some are receiving Me with coldness and indifference, thus, I require your offerings of prayers and good works, quiet reflections and sentiments that endear My Heart, giving Me food in return.

I am here waiting for the repentance of lost souls, no one is left out of My gaze, Oh, the blindness, the hardness of hearts, time is of the essence.

Do not, My faithful followers, lose your peace and joy, others are in confusion and sadness, but you must exude joy because of your fellowship with Me, Who Am Joy.

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