Thursday, August 5, 2010



How many times have you seen and heard in Scripture “your faith has saved you”?

I declare to you that you have not been moved to faith yourself in the hearing.

Hunger for this faith that will bring healings, prophecies and conversions to your families.

Be complacent no longer for many will be surprised when in their lukewarm attitude, their heavenly reward has been withdrawn.

To their astonishment they will realize that My purpose for their lives had been so much more than they had allowed Me access to.

I have allowed Satan to tempt you for your growth in faith trusting that you would call upon Me for the grace and strength to overcome the evil at hand.

Call then on Me today and admit as you confess that you have not given your earnest efforts as would be pleasing to Me.

My promises are true, begin to live even with the benefit of the doubt in your heart that your faith might grow.

Speak affirmative quotes from My Word which will encourage your spirit and others who will see positive signs of progress.

Open your eyes to the beauty I have lavished around you each day to endear you to Myself.

I am a lover of “you” whom I foresaw before I created the world and everything in it.

I purposed a Work and fulfillment for each person created and as this is accomplished in your life a new found freedom emerges.

Life becomes worthwhile and joy fills areas that once were fearful.

My love for you will not allow anything but the maturity of Charity to become part of what My Church on earth is all about.

The unity and brotherhood realized among My people gladdens the Heart pierced by hate and those who with pride, lord it over the poor and helpless of My flock.

May you become with Me the light that brightens the darkness, overcoming what deems to be impossible odds that anything good could come about at this late hour in history.


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