Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I stand before you and release the sorrow that may be in any heart with the sigh of My breathe. 

You may not recognize the subtle signs of your hurting neighbor but be alert and compassionate.

Receive My Peace and know without a doubt that everything passes through My Hands.

You may not understand the circumstance that disrupts your world today but believe that I purposed it.

My love for you never fails to comfort and lead you to a greater joy and fulfillment in the aftermath.

Remain in constant prayer and do not allow any discouragement to enter the inner sanctuary where I desire to constantly dwell.

My means of strengthening is through adversity.

Child I am forming you and allowing you to follow in My footsteps.  Do you wish to walk with Me?

If only good things were allowed in your life, no real virtue or tolerance for others’ shortcomings would be evident.

Caring for another is evidence of your belonging to Me.

What is required of you is to believe in My Power and Majesty.  Power to change circumstances and people according to what will bring about a greater purpose for eternity.

Gifts have been allotted to each of you in order that you serve Me in a world which is rapidly declining.

Restrain from judging one another since you know not their hurts, fears and inner hearts.

I set prisoners free and call you to bind their wounds.

Listen attentively to My Spirit’s soft whisperings, prompting you to act out of love and compassion.

Allow My love to be manifested to a world so much battered and infiltrated by war and hatred.

When My visible face can be seen only in those for whom My Father has chosen, I greatly shower upon them grace to fulfill the promise of My return.


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