Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Serve one another out of love for Me.

If you will do this happiness will be yours.

I was your example in humility, as I washed the feet of My Apostles, and told them to do the same.

You need to empty yourself of pride, by asking Me to accomplish it for you, you cannot do it alone.

Each day, strive to be emptied of self, that I may fill you with the Holy Spirit.

Living waters will then be able to flow through you to others as I have planned.

If someone has said a remark, that you have found to be offensive and are hurt, taken aback, what are you to do?

You will be able to think of nothing else, your thoughts scramble, to think what you've done to deserve this.

Yet I tell you, a truly humble person knows the truth about himself, and all else falls away as false, he does not accept it, and it does not penetrate.

Therefore the root of hate has not taken hold, this is truth which is from the Spirit, that you are loved.

Continuous is My desire to live in you, and for My Spirit to flow through you to all you meet.

When you show preference to your neighbour, and allow yourself to wait, or to do without, you become selfless.

The ”self” needs to be emptied daily as it is persistently trying to assert itself, and must be subdued.

I desire your freedom from sin, which ensues when self is in the presidential suite of your life.

A humble person will be at peace, and be able to hear and accept the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

Guilt on the other hand, leads you into selfish behaviours that do not bring happiness, only further

Be on constant alert, to the condition of your heart and soul, as to whether it be humble or proud, by
testing the reactions that arise daily.

Repentance and Confession, which is a humbling experience, will lead you quickly back to an even closer walk with Me.

I am never farther away than your very self, because of your Baptism, you are Mine, the delight of My heart are you.


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