Thursday, January 23, 2014


You are to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your Soul.

This is what I have commanded you, but search your hearts, what is it that you put all your energies towards?

If it is not Me, then it is an idol, you have not recognized it as such, be it your concern for health, fitness, financial, or sports, whatever it is that occupies your every thought, give it up now.

My children, you deaden your spirit, contrary to what you have believed, you will not achieve happiness this way, because it causes you to stray and be overly occupied with worthless things.

Only in serving as I lead you, will you find the peace and security that you are looking for, forgetting what has gone before or after.

Many of you are concerned about the End Times, My Second Coming, you need only concern yourselves about your last day on earth, your death.

Each day brings you one day closer to the day that you will stand before Me.

It is a day that may come at anytime, whether you are young or old, your priority today must be to be ready, nothing else matters.

You cannot fathom eternity, I want to prepare you for a life with Me even here and now, just give Me your permission.

If you’ve been given a life of suffering, or a life of plenty, it doesn’t matter as long as you are serving Me with an attitude of gratitude, accepting all from My hand as good or bad.

My love for you is never ending, no matter how far you have strayed, I came to bring forgiveness to the world.

If I would let My faithful go without scrutinizing them, I would be defaulting in love, and so I search hearts for the least imperfection.

My Mother awaits your prayers to draw you ever to the right path, teaching you true worship which is due Me.

Begin each day with a new slate, I have many graces for you to claim, not wanting you to live in dread or fear.

I want you to feel alive in Me, eager to venture into the new day, knowing that I direct you to serve your brothers and sisters, this will bring you joy.

I am all around you, seek My Face, there you will receive an infilling of My Spirit to refresh you.

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