Friday, November 30, 2018


2018-11-01                                                               INRI

By My Death and Resurrection I have set you free, what is it that the enemy has stolen from you, do you still now walk without confidence as if defeated by him, when in reality, you along with Me are the  Victors.

With much effort on your part, you have believed, that all your problems were your own, that somehow you must resolve each and every one of them alone, you have been taught that God cares for you, but in your heart, you surmise that you must take care of them all yourself, that I am far from you.

My desire is for you to surrender all to Me, it may be that the timing is not right just yet, remain in prayer, trusting while you wait, thanking Me for My Love and holding on in faith until the resolve.

Have I healed something in you that you now hesitate to believe, do not doubt any longer, I do not heal and then withdraw My blessings, these thoughts are not from Me, think of who has put this doubt in your mind.

Are you now living with more fears instead of having more confidence in Me, you are to have less self- confidence in yourself, the Holy Spirit will give you the thoughts that you should have in order for you to progress in this earthly life, towards happiness and holiness.

With confidence in Me, you will not fear humiliation, for in proceeding fearlessly you will find that it was groundless to be afraid, I will be able to use you to teach others to have confidence in Me as well as being a credible witness.

Spend some time meditating on just what the enemy really has stolen from you, while in My Light I will be showing you exactly the person you were meant to be before the fall. 

But in a still greater way, I want to open your heart to the Truth, the Truth of what you really have when you possess Me within you, you have everything that you will ever need.

Possibly you have never thought of what the enemy has taken from you, you have been set free, yet some are still walking as if they had not been released from the enemy’s territory, unconsciously as if still a prisoner.

Recoup what is rightfully yours through what I suffered and gained back for you, mainly your Eternal Salvation, you are My child, not a slave of the devil and are no longer under his subjection.

I have been raised from the dead, and you are alive in Me, you are to live the Resurrected life in and through Me, go and bear witness to this.

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