Thursday, June 20, 2019


2019-06-20                                                                                 INRI

Has a heaviness, a devastating weariness invaded your life, you with the eyes of faith are experiencing corruption and sin all around you, you hear it on the news broadcasts, you see it on the faces of those you meet.

How are you to maintain an atmosphere of peace and hope, your mission of holiness seems unattainable within your hearts and your homes.

Seek the assistance of the Holy Spirit in every decision, and whenever a sense of uneasiness or fear permeates and assaults your calm.

With confidence and trust do what seems best in each situation that presents itself, for these are dark days, but I am forever with you, I know that you seek always to do God’s Will, peace be with you.

I want to amaze you, first, I will inspire you to ask the Holy Spirit to instruct you and give direction, then as you listen to His guidance and act upon it, you will be surprised by the favorable outcome, sometimes it is better than what you have asked for.

This is a very positive way in which I build your trust and faith in God, thus it will be less difficult for you in the future to respond to My next request.

It may be a request that stretches your area known as your comfort zone, but I have a plan that will be beneficial to your happiness, all that I will allow in your life will be Glorifying My Mercy.

You are My servants if you will allow Me to use you to help others, when you place your trust in Me, you forget yourself and willingly respond in the love of another.

Know that the Church is a sign that is rejected, as I was rejected, purified, the Church is soon to rise again, do not give up hope in the face of all the darkness, this must all happen consequentially.

With the power of the Holy Spirit, you enter into a deeper and deeper understanding of the Truth concerning God.

With the History of the Church, the Holy Spirit was sent and is therefore much needed during these end times, to form and prepare you, stay together in His Power, My little flock, I am coming to purify My Church upon earth.

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