Thursday, August 22, 2019


2019-08-22                                                                               INRI

Your human nature is in constant conflict with the spiritual, thus having been freed, choose to do the right as you ought, and so this will be going against what the world would have you do.

Those who do not follow Me, easily follow their passions governed by their lower nature.

When I called you out of darkness, it was for your salvation and that we would enjoy a friendship, more than a casual friend, for I seek your whole love and loyalty.

I am enticing you to love Me, and when you respond to the graces which are flowing from My fervent love for you, I give you My Heart.

What follows from this arrangement is the love of others, because you are loved, you can now love, and because you are forgiven, you can now forgive.

Though the world be unchanged, it feels different to you somehow, more tolerable, you are more aware of your own faults, and more accepting of the faults of others, even though all the while it is you who has changed for the better.

You smile at everyone, and some even smile back, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t, your heart belongs to Me and I am leading you in a new and wonderful direction.

The Holy Spirit will enable you to gain a greater courage and to do selfless acts of love, He may bring you to new shores, new opportunities on the horizon.

Always with Heaven as your final destination, but on the way, there are countless numbers of My people that you will serve with, and give service to out of love for Me.

Receive My Peace, all who give their valued time and resources, in order to help the less fortunate and downtrodden, you will have My Blessings.

I came in the form of human poverty while on earth, that you may become rich in My Divinity.

My Church is twofold, it is Sacramental and it is Missionary.

Each night, My people cry out begging for My help, they hunger and thirst for righteousness, for there is a great need, they are being led astray by the world, the flesh and the devil.

I am pouring out My Spirit upon those who will today receive Him, for many are perishing needlessly for lack of the Word being given to them personally, who of you My faithful will respond?

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